This comment of mine is not aimed at Leolaia or anyone in particular, but, since we're talking about Bible translations and contexts, this thing about the tortilla made me remember the story where a Spanish conquistador runs into a group of Mayan indians, who are keen on killing the invader. He warns the Mayans that, if they kill him, the skies will go dark in the daytime; and they kill him anyways, all the while telling him the many dates they had already predicted eclipses, plus the dates in the future when new eclipses would happen again. My point is, perhaps the missionary in question thought he had made a clever adaptation, and in their inner selves the flock thought that was just a joke, but the funny whitey over there still had managed to make his, ha ha ha, point.
When I watched the movie Apocalypto, I thought about exactly this thing. The Mayans knew when the eclipses were, so it seemed really off to make that a plot point.
Good point about the colonial setting of translation. That's important. And we might wonder if a similar thing might be happening in some places where the NWT is translated.
My impression is that the New World Translation is not an attempt at Biblical accuracy. That is secondary for the Watchtower after all. I understand they used other translations of the Bible until they had the NWT. Back then, it must have been embarrassing to tell the flock that "the word was a god", for example, when the printed Bible read "the Word was God". The Watchtower needed its own Bible, and produced it.
Yeah I've done some research on exactly how the Society handled these texts prior to the production of the NWT and how they cited other translations. It is interesting because they had definite opinions on how the passages should be translated many years prior to the formation of a committee that set for itself the task of working on a new translation. I found an example from the 1920s in the Golden Age magazine, for instance, that anticipates the later NWT reading in John 1:1. The NWT removes the need to quote from a myriad of different versions, as no single translation had quite the same approach towards the Bible that the Society had during this time.