New World Translation into other languages; anyone knows of any critics?

by dgp 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • aqwsed12345

    Dear possible-san,

    Are you a member of any church now? I heard that the "Japanese New Interconfessional Translation Bible" (Shinkyodoyaku Seisho?) is used by most churches in Japan. Is that translated from original Bible languages? What is your opinion about that japanese translation? Is that good? Do JWs use that in Japan?

  • possible-san


    Thank you for your reply.

    But, in this forum, this is a past topic.
    In this thread, I would do not reply to you any more.

    Are you a member of any church now?

    No, I do not belong to anywhere.

    However, current I may have a belief which harmonized with the churches (so-called "New Thought churches") in America.
    In Japan, there is no such church.

    I heard that the "Japanese New Interconfessional Translation Bible" (Shinkyodoyaku Seisho?) is used by most churches in Japan.

    Yeah, that is the fact.

    Is that translated from original Bible languages? What is your opinion about that japanese translation? Is that good?

    That is the translation which Catholic church and Protestant churches cooperated and translated.
    That is clearly translated from the original languages.

    However, since the "kougo yaku" was based on the RSV, the "kougo yaku" is somewhat better than the "shin kyodo yaku."
    In brief, that shows that the RSV is excellent.

    Well, I love "shinkai yaku."
    That is a translation which gives impression to people.

    Do JWs use that in Japan?

    Generally, Japanese JWs do not use the "shin kyodo yaku."
    Of course, when I was an active JW, I had it, though.

    Well, the Japan branch uses it in their publications.
    However, that (That they use also other translations) is directions of the WTS from the first.


  • Wonderment

    I have read some criticisms of the NWT in other languages, mainly in Spanish. There is nothing new in these other languages criticisms that are worth repeating.They usually mimic the English criticisms.

    I have the 1987 NWT edition in Spanish before me, and it uses brackets throughout. Most here are making a big deal about brackets used or not used in the NWT. A lot of translations do not use them, except in a few cases where it is absolutely necessary.

    I have compared the NWT in various languages, and evidently, the translation teams have some leeway in their translation choices.

    When the WT Society says the NWT editions are based mainly on the English one, with comparison with the Hebrew and Greek texts, they are saying the truth. I have seen numerous cases where they just don't translate English to the other target languages, but instead go with the original text. In my opinion the WT does a good job dealing with the NWT. I can not say the same thing with some of their other publications, but they are careful with the bible. I give them credit here.

    For more info on the NWT translation work, go here:

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