If she's so rich, why is she wearing a cheap ill-fitting jumpsuit?
Porn star shows internet TV show how much money she makes
by Joliette 33 Replies latest social entertainment
If she's so rich, why is she wearing a cheap ill-fitting jumpsuit?
It takes a lot of money to buy all the drugs and alcohol to dull the emotional pain...
Kinda like politics.
Not an exacting comparison, for there are sincere people wanting to serve the public of whom they are representing.
Are you a stripper Misanthronpic ? a porn actor ? is that why your taking this supportive stance on this work.
They get paid that kind of money because thats what people want to see. Its not like they are forced into it and I'm not talking about those people sold into sex trafficing and things like that.
There is no question that woman are lured into this profession by the money and perhaps the apparent attention..
Really quite the easy way to create some wealth but a terrible way to uphold a person's self dignity and value.
I think over time this where the alcohol and drugs comes into effect.
Making a person feel better about themselves when internally they really don't.
Its not like they are forced into it
No one is implying that, as I mentioned before they are lured into it by money. $$$$$$$$$$
Being a prostitute can make some quick cash that isn't taxed or levied with other deductions.
A lot of girls are drawn into both trades at first by modeling for fashion, only to be asked further on if they would do some nude modeling,
and things usually progress from there. Sometimes pimps and modeling agents persuade girls into these kinds of work
because they'll will take a percentage off what the girl receives. Modeling is seen as quite easy, so when the opportunity arrives
of someone saying you can make a couple thousand and more in a week by stripping or porn acting, it doesn't appear to be much more to do.
The money is the bait that hooks many girls into this work, to be sure.
I'd sooner invite a stripper or porn star to my dinner table (as some did for me long ago when I was down and out) than someone who's judgemental. As long as no laws are broken I don't believe it's my place or anyone else's to police the morality of others. If I want that I'll go back to the cult.
For someone who seems to be at least borderline atheist, you can sure moralize like a hardcore Christian. LOL!
How old are you, anyway?
Nope, why are you a politician? I never said I took a supportive stance, I just think there's a lot of "legit careers" out there that are just as ethically wrong. Not just porn stars screw people for money. I actually agreed with your first comments on this thread:Are you a stripper Misanthronpic ? a porn actor ? is that why your taking this supportive stance on this work.
Quite a filthy demoralizing way to make money, being a stripper and a porn actor.
There are reasons why porn actors eventually turn to hard drugs and many commit suicide.
The big money is there but the human desegregation of a person's dignity is also there.
And isn't that the reason they pay these people what they get paid. $
But I'm sure it's few and far between the woman who set out in life with their goal to become either.
Vampire I'm 50+
And no I'm not a borderline atheist, I'm an atheist pure to the core.
Just because a person doesn't hold onto some religious ideology doesn't make people uncompassionate
toward the well being of others. I've had some experience with girls getting caught up with stripping
so I speak of some experience, this isn't shit I've seen in a movie or read in a book.
What I'm relating is based on having an interpersonal relationship with girls who have professionally stripped for a living.
Since these kinds of night clubs are mostly filled with low lifes, drug pushers... etc. the after parties
are usually filled with people doing all kinds drugs, the girls who've been stripping usually have more money than they have ever had
so buying and consuming drugs starts to be away of distancing themselves from what they do, kind of making an illusion
of who and what they really are doing. The girls start spending this newly found wealth which perpetuates them to continue
on striping and bringing in the big bucks that they've made themselves accustomed to, its a cycle thats from some is very difficult to get off.