Porn star shows internet TV show how much money she makes

by Joliette 33 Replies latest social entertainment

  • VampireDCLXV

    Well TTO, the 50+ 'splains it.

    I'm not disagreeing with anything you said or with being blunt in of itself BUT if you're the hardcore atheist you claim to be, you'd better be careful not to come across as too preachy or you'll get branded as a hardcore X-tian crank. AAAACCKK!


  • cyberjesus
    If she's so rich, why is she wearing a cheap ill-fitting jumpsuit?

    because she is a stripper, not a business woman.

    Quite a filthy demoralizing way to make money, being a stripper and a porn actor

    apparently the people who payed her those billl think differently..... i wonder why the adult industry is that successful, it must be that only 1 rich man spends all his money in adult material. ... yuk nudity bad, stripers bad, sex bad. .yuk

    I wanna leap and jump and land in all that money! lol.

    just dont doit here, they will send it to hell, even if doesnt exists

    Really quite the easy way to create some wealth but a terrible way to uphold a person's self dignity and value

    so who decides what job is a dignified one? you? just because they dont do something you like it doesn mean they dont have value. We judge them with our set of morality rules..... so? they can have their own rules.... what makes yours or mine better than hers?

    Being a prostitute can make some quick cash that isn't taxed or levied with other deductions.

    so what about getting a new washer machine for sex? or how about getting sexual favors for sex even inside the marriage? that doesnt count? Ask around you will be surprised how many people have had "legal" sex just to get something in return.

    For someone who seems to be at least borderline atheist, you can sure moralize like a hardcore Christian. LOL!

    vamp you speak wise.

  • thetrueone

    hardcore X-tian crank.

    A labeling I wasn't aware of.

    Age really has nothing to do with it, life experiences might though .

    Now how about telling what age you are Vampire ?

    Lets pose a question - if you had a young daughter in her early 20's, what would you think of her becoming a stripper knowing what

    the business involves and what kind of people are associated with strip bars and porn studios ?

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Quite a filthy demoralizing way to make money, being a ditch digger.

    There are reasons why ditch diggers eventually turn to hard drugs and many commit suicide.

    The big money is there but the human desegregation of a person's dignity is also there.

    And isn't that the reason they pay these people what they get paid. $

  • VampireDCLXV


    I personally was NOT labelling YOU, just pointing out that others here and abroad could easily use loaded language like yours against you to make said accusation.
    Also, I was NOT disagreeing with you in the least. I DO see porn and stripping as a slippery slope towards very unhealthy and dangerous things. If I had a daughter, NO, I would certainly not wish her to get involved in that scene. I would desperately seek any reasonable means to extricate her from that if she did.

    I was merely trying to point out (with a tiny bit of humour) that the loaded language you were using was potentially "preachy". I try to avoid being "preachy" and try to get the audience to see things from a cause/effect, mental health point of view instead of using the evangelical firebrand style which can and does offend. I admit that sometimes I fail in that regard.

    I hope you see what I mean...


    P.S.: I'm 38, if that means anything...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    P.S.: I'm 38, if that means anything...

    Ohhh, you're ooooooolllldddddddddddd.....

  • VampireDCLXV

    HAW HAW...


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    (((Vamp))) psssst... I'm older than you (but not a lot)

  • 144001

    The guy that drives the sewer sucker truck, and vacuums the poop from outhouses makes a lot of money too. Like the porn star, his pay is commensurate with the nature of the job he is performing.

    I'm speculating, but I bet that porn stars don't enjoy sex, and that is the price for the job they perform. If your day consists of being paid for having sex, it's probably difficult to have a real relationship and actualy enjoy having sex. Your parts are going to be sore from overuse and your interest is going to be lacking.

    Also, porn stars don't make as much as the video suggests. The market is flooded with porn, most of it free internet porn, and as a result, the entire industry is in a massive recession. Budgets have been slashed and porn stars are trading their Mercedes in for Hondas.

    It's better to use your brain to make money. But if your ass is all you've got going for you, then by all means, maximize the money you make from exploiting your bung, as it will dry up, pardon the pun, eventually.

  • thetrueone

    The guy that drives the sewer sucker truck, and vacuums the poop from outhouses makes a lot of money too.

    Nowhere near what a professional stripper or what a porn actor makes backed by an agency.

    Why is there so many comparisons toward other professions, stripping and acting in porn films is one separated from itself as a profession.

    I guess there must be a lot of people here who go to strip clubs and watch porn, trying to support their actions.

    By the way 144001 porn stars make approximately $800.00 per scene, equivalent to 4 or 5 hours work, for most of the known

    production studios, not what a real movie star makes but you get the picture.

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