Jack Barr, immortal? More from the Watchtower of May 15, 2011

by dgp 45 Replies latest social humour

  • dgp

    First and foremost, I would like to clarify that I am in no way making fun of Jack Barr. He is dead and deserves respect.

    That said, the organization he belonged to and led doesn't deserve any respect. So I wish to point out that on page 6 of the Watchtower, Study Edition, for May 15, 2011, you can find the following paragraph (almost at the bottom of the page, right column):

    "While we will miss our dear Brother Barr, we rejoice with him in his receiving the gift of immortality - a privilege he looked forward to and often spoke about. It was all he ever wanted" (my bold).

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but, how can Mr. Barr just have received "the gift of immortality", if he DIED?

  • leavingwt

    According to JW theology, only his physical body died. He's alive in Heaven!

  • NVR2L8

    Being one of the annointed living in the time of the end, he was resurected in the blink of an eye to a heavenly immortal life as soon as his earthly life ended...to occupy a place prepared for him by the reigning king Jesus-Christ.

  • therevealer

    The big problem in this statement is that even if their dogma is biblical and correct, who are they to judge his heart condition. In line with their own teaching only Jehovah can do that, not them!!! Just because he said he was of that class and just because they felt from association with him he was faithful to the death, what knowledge do they have of his innermost feelings and motivations. They are all self aggrandizing ________ you fill in the blanks.

  • dgp

    All right. So, after all, there is an immortal soul? If not, what part of him never died, since his body DID die?

    Since I am a despicable worldly, I will die and that will be it. So, there's more explaining to do. I don't have a soul. Did Jack Barr have a soul? If he didn't, what did he have? He must have had something I don't, since I don't peddle the magazines, et cetera. What was that?

    Again, since I am a worldly, I am but my body. What did Mr. Barr consist of? Body, and what else? Remember, he's still alive in the Heavens, BUT HIS BODY ISN'T.

  • NVR2L8

    According to the WT teaching the soul is the person himself: a combination of the fleshly body annimated by a breath of life. When someone dies his life force is extinguished just like the flame on a candle...and the body returns to the ground. In the case of Barr, he died but was resurrected instantly to a life in heaven. He was transformed into a spiritual being.

  • dozy

    This sudden enthusiasm for brochures and eulogising Watchtower articles when a GB member dies are a bit disquieting. I know some even loyal JWs who aren't altogether happy about them.

    As other posters have said , in any case , who is to say for certain whether a particular individual has died faithful or not. The WTBTS puts itself in God's position when it judges whether such men have been "approved". As the Watchtower has previously stated...

    w 026/15 p.31 Questions From Readers

    Any future prospect for the dead is in the hands of Jehovah, and no one is in a position to say whether the deceased will be resurrected or not.

  • dgp

    I see. Not that I buy it, but, I see.

  • NVR2L8

    It's amazing that annointed are instantly resurrected when Jesus himself remained dead for 3 days...

  • therevealer

    dgp does bring up another valid point though. Since the body is not raised and they do NOT beleive in an immortal soul what exactly is raised, what exactly becomes immortal. What is it that puts on immortality??


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