^ Yeah, when its all said and done I agree with Farkel.
No matter how much someone tries to make it seems that their religion is perfect and flawless, (not just with the dubs but with other religions also) theres always something that the person representing the religious organization is trying to hide. My parents see the leaders of this organization as being men who have made mistakes, but men who are humble, men who have admitted that their made mistakes, men who always care about 'the little people,' men who truly care about their fellow men and neighboor BLAH BLAH BLAH ( I cant speak for all rank and file) JW's but I know for a fact that the men (the GB, president, watchtower heavies, etc) on top DONT GIVE A FUCK! All they care about is keeping the rank and file in check so they can keep living their comfortable, tax free lives. And their gonna say what they have to say to keep you there, ex: playing on your emotions, using the bible to make you feel gulity, making you feel guilty for not going out in field service, making you feel unworthy.
I was listening to a talk by anthony morris called the birdcatcher, and I know for a fact that they know WAAAAY MORE then what they are 'pretending' that they dont know. Dont believe it when they get up on a stage and say what they say, because their only saying it to keep you there and to keep you in check, and to keep you submissive.
When its all said and done, its just business as usual with those guys. And so what if its 'so organized' like my parents like to say. You can have sloppy bullshit, you have organized bullshit. Either way, its still all bullshit when its all said and done.