I know it was a different Beck that said: "I'm a loser baby, so why don't ya kill me."
Soy un perdedor, Glenn!
by Sam Whiskey 161 Replies latest jw friends
I know it was a different Beck that said: "I'm a loser baby, so why don't ya kill me."
Soy un perdedor, Glenn!
JRK: "Soy un perdedor, Glenn!"
Y tambien el es un come-mierda!
He lost me when he called the families of victims of 9/11 "whiners".What compassion! He cries a lot, but he lacks empathy to my mind. He does nothing to offer reasonable solutions to the worlds problems, he merely screams, waves the flag and points, and offers conspiracy theories. If there is any truth to any of them, the way he offers them isn't particularly credible.
I don't read or watch pundits of any ilk much anymore. Most of what they say is for ratings, sensationalism. Where the profit motive is concerned, people are prone to veer from total integrity, in my experience.
The other day my 14 year old daughter heard Dr. Phil say something about "warning your kids about the dangers of drugs and alcohol because it can derail them from their goal in life." and she laughed.
Why? Not because she thinks drugs and alcohol abuse is fine, but because Dr. Phil is so unenlightened he thinks life is about a goal rather than a journey. She said, "The only goal post at the end of life is death, it's the journey that matters. "
My 14 year old daughter is wiser than Dr. Phil...how'd he get a show again? How do any of these idiots? I guess knowing Oprah helps. I don't like making people rich for blowing ass in public.
So if gas goes to $10, then good, Beck is right.
So if gas does not go to $10, the good, Beck is wrong.
Villabolo, I saw you say "BitchTower". Thanks for the laugh.
Finding out that there are people out there who take Glen Beck seriously has destroyed my faith in humanity.
Blondie, to your point;
I think that Beck is simply trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle, good or bad. I don't see him as an evil guy, just a thinker, who's trying to figure out who and what the players on the board are going to do. I see him as a guy who's trying to help people get prepared, like it or not. If my neighbors were some nasty folks, I'd want to know, so that I can be prepared to address any issues if they came up. That's all Beck is doing. I don't see why the Liberals are all up in arms about him.
I'm sure there are plenty who will say "God has seriously destroyed my faith in humanity", or, whatever YOU want blame your lack of insights on. After all, it's easier to blame someone else, or throw out the Red Herring when you don't agree. However, it takes time and effort to really process global information.
Yes, there do appear to be changes in the weather. However, studies only go back a hundred years or so, if that. So how can we justify running around like Chickens with our heads cut off if these changes are just part of earths natural cycles of renewal? The earth has always had earthquakes and volcanoes as part of it's renewal system, but do we include these in the Global Warming argument? Or,..is it just convenient to come up will all kinds of studies on the weather and say, "Aha, it IS global warming! That's our problem!" Frankly, no one knows, because we haven't been around long enough to know. It's all just speculation. Even scientists, who are professionals can't agree. Heck, there are probably some parts of the earth are less rainy then they have been. Why aren't we talking about those areas? I'm not saying we don't have problems, because we do. But don't throw out the Red Herring in order to divert attention away from the NOW problems. You know, things like Muslims with bombs, perhaps Nuclear Bombs, in our cities.
Anyhow...I didn't really want to talk about Global Warming, because it doesn't really matter. What are you going to do about it? You can produce all kinds of pretty maps, but what can you DO about it? Nothing. Get your head out of the sand and do something....at least Glenn Beck is. All that the liberals can seem to do these days is literally run and hide.
People hate Beck because he is right!
Losing to you in a battle of whits?? Who said I wanted a challenge? I'm exercising my free speech and you can't stand it!
Simple test of your wits Villa, who is the man in your Avatar? And if anybody helps him, I'll be disapointed in you... you know who you are.
People hate because Beck because he is right!
Nope that's not it.
Beck's show ought to be great today!