Glenn Beck on His Game Today - Go Glenn!
by Sam Whiskey 161 Replies latest jw friends
Sam Whiskey
"Ahhh, yes, yes, we are getting somewhere." But WHO is Dr. Strangelove. You still haven't answered the question....after three attempts.
Sam Whiskey
The real Dr. Strangelove (aka Villaloco)
How's that for your fascination with Doomsday, ya nutjob. Go ahead, give ol' Ackmadonajob a big hug ya lefty. I'm sure he would love to deliver one these to your hometown.
"My avatar of Dr. Strangelove has nothing to do with the character's fascistic philosphy. It has to do with my love of doomsday themes. I'm a nuclear survivalist since the 1980s and an avid reader of doomsday fiction." I wouldn't say you survived, but you're here..... LOL goofball...
Sam Whiskied:
"Ahhh, yes, yes, we are getting somewhere." But WHO is Dr. Strangelove. You still haven't answered the question....after three attempts.
Just because you loack the mental capacity to understand the clear answer that I gave you doesn't mean that your question has not been answered. Here it is again for you to once more fail to understand yet again.
DaCheech, haven't you noticed that there is a poster on this site that has an avatar of Adolf Hitler wearing a headset? Are you going to assume that the poster is a Nazi with a taste for music?
Haven't you noticed a poster with an avatar of Nathan Knorr? Are you going to assume that he's a Jehovah's Witness apologist?
Haven't you noticed that there's a poster with the handle "Satanus". Of course, he must be a devil worshipper in your eyes.
Haven't you noticed...Never mind, those three examples should suffice to tell you that you cannot take either names or avatars literally. They are just like favorite songs where the listener projects his/her own private meaning into them.
My avatar of Dr. Strangelove has nothing to do with the character's fascistic philosphy. It has to do with my love of doomsday themes. I'm a nuclear survivalist since the 1980s and an avid reader of doomsday fiction. Dr. Strangelove just happens to be my favorite movie.
I hope that's clear enough. Now go back to your whiskey bottle.
Sam Whiskied, once more:
"It has to do with my love of doomsday themes. I'm a nuclear survivalist since the 1980s and an avid reader of doomsday fiction."
Again you''ve failed to answer my statements about posters with Adolf Hitler avatars and the absurdity of reading too much into such avatars. You're statements about my avatar are based on the same gross ignorance of my beliefs when you ridiculously display an image of Obama with a hammer and sickle. Or when you speak nonsense about my "beloved Democrats" when I've never been one. But then, you take after your vile prophet who paints anyone who doesn't politically fellatio him with the same brush. What a simple minded universe you live in. I guess it's all that can fit in your head.
As for my interests, they are based on an objective appraisal of the political situation coupled with my desire to be prepared. Nuclear war was a strong possibility during the Reagan administration and, due to false alarms, we have come close to having one several times since the 1960s. It's no longer an issue as far as the US being attacked (Though it could happen elsewhere.) but reality is such that you can have any type of major disruption. A major earthquake (I live in Southern California.); a power outage for longer than a week (Do you have any idea how that would affect you?); or a civil war started by yahoos such as your mad prophet.
If you don't like people being prepared for possible disasters, that's your problem. So go ahead and mock the entire Survivalist movement. Most of them (Yours truly excluded.) are right wing nut-jobs like you appear to be.
If you also want to mock people who read doomsday, fiction go ahead. Stephen King's book and movie The Stand, was hugely popular with the American public. By the way, I'm currently reading two doomsday books written by conservatives and sent to me by my cousin who happens to be a Glenn Beck fan, like you.
Sam Whiskey
And the answer is.....Peter Sellers
Sam Whiskey
Ahmadinejad “conspiracy theory”: Chaos will spread to Europe, America
Wednesday, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:44 AM EST
On The Blaze this morning there is a story where Iranian President Ahmadinejad said that “he is certain the wave of unrest in the Middle East will spread to Europe and North America, bringing an end to governments he accused of oppressing and humiliating people.” That’s weird, Glenn has been saying that the unrest and chaos in the Middle East would hit Europe and America as well. Of course, no one has listened to Glenn.
“That’s an interesting idea. What a novel idea,” Glenn said upon reading the story.
“I’m quoting Ahmadinejad: ‘Changes will be forthcoming and will engulf the whole world from Asia to Africa and from Europe to North America’, Ahmadinejad told a news conference yesterday in Tehran.” Glenn read
He continued, “The note of the remarks seemed to draw on the belief by Shiite Muslims that the revered ninth century saint known as the hidden imam will appear before judgment day to end tyranny and promote justice in the world. Ahmadinejad said the world was in need, quote, of a just system of rule that puts an end to oppression, occupation, and humiliation of people.”
Could the “hidden imam” have anything to do with the Twelfth Imam?
“My gosh, I think I’ve heard that from some of our own politicians. Well, maybe that’s why they are getting together. Maybe that’s why our president didn’t speak out about Ahmadinejad and Iran. When his own people were rising up, it took our president ten days to say a word,” Glenn said.
Hasn’t Glenn been saying something about believing people when they say they want to kill/hurt/come after you?
I get it - "Glenn Beck on His Game Today" - Glenn Beck is playing a game. Only he knows the rules, which he makes up as he goes along.
Therefore, he's the only one who can be on Becks' game or win it. Got it.
Sam Whiskey
It was a great show today, the guy is right on target... He's really demonstrating insights that are very rare in today's world.
Right, Sam. Lie down until this delusion passes...........