Mr. Freeze, you have caught light in a bottle. Beck and assorted company are 'entertainers', whatever gets ratings and sponsors is on the menu.
Glenn Beck on His Game Today - Go Glenn!
by Sam Whiskey 161 Replies latest jw friends
However, studies only go back a hundred years or so, if that. So how can we justify running around like Chickens with our heads cut off if these changes are just part of earths natural cycles of renewal? The earth has always had earthquakes and volcanoes as part of it's renewal system, but do we include these in the Global Warming argument?
How do you reconcile that last sentence with the first?
Sam Whiskey
The reference was made to a previous poster about records being kept for only the last 50 or 60 years. I gave him 100 so he wouldn't cry about it. However, we have historical records of earthquakes and volcanoes going back to the beginning of recorded man. I don't recall anyone writing about Global Warming 2,000 years ago...
See the difference...?
"Losing to you in a battle of whits?? Who said I wanted a challenge? I'm exercising my free speech and you can't stand it!"
DaCheech, since you previously said "Why in the HELL do I NEED to respond to your drivel?",I thought it ironic that you said that and nonetheless kept responding to my "drivel". So I assumed it was because you wanted to engage in a pissing contest and were losing.
As for your claiming that you did not want a "challenge" you did state that you wanted a response:
"Anyone have any reasoble responses?"
As for your self congratulatory statement about my not being able to stand your freedom of speech you're simply masturbating your ego.
PS: Is that enough wits for your test?
PPS: Wits is not spelled with an 'h'.
Sam Whiskey
So....(2nd request) Villa, who's your Avatar? And, yes, I did ask, "Anyone have a reasonable response". Childrens comments such as yours, need not reply.
Sam Whiskey
ASSumed? LOL....
Sam Whiskey
Seriously though....I don't want to argue with anyone, just sharing some thoughts about THE GREAT BECK...
Sam Whiskey shooting from his hip but ending up shooting himself in the foot:
"Simple test of your wits Villa, who is the man in your Avatar? And if anybody helps him, I'll be disapointed in you... you know who you are."
Thank you Lord, for you have delivered him into my hands!
DaCheech, haven't you noticed that there is a poster on this site that has an avatar of Adolf Hitler wearing a headset? Are you going to assume that the poster is a Nazi with a taste for music?
Haven't you noticed a poster with an avatar of Nathan Knorr? Are you going to assume that he's a Jehovah's Witness apologist?
Haven't you noticed that there's a poster with the handle "Satanus". Of course, he must be a devil worshipper in your eyes.
Haven't you noticed...Never mind, those three examples should suffice to tell you that you cannot take either names or avatars literally. They are just like favorite songs where the listener projects his/her own private meaning into them.
My avatar of Dr. Strangelove has nothing to do with the character's fascistic philosphy. It has to do with my love of doomsday themes. I'm a nuclear survivalist since the 1980s and an avid reader of doomsday fiction. Dr. Strangelove just happens to be my favorite movie.
PS: Is that enough wits for your test?
PPS: Wits is not spelled with an 'h'.
Sam Whiskey
Yes, but....who is Dr. Strangelove???
Sam Whiskey: "Yes, but....who is Dr. Strangelove???"
You truly are witless.
By the way, I was formulating my response before you restated your question. Unlike you, I take the trouble to think things through.