I am going to take a bit of a different approach here. I hope you view the review as honest and do not take offense to criticism.
In reading your article, I get the feeling that the vantage point is of a typical "foreigner". We can employ the normal laws of society as ethical and practical guide to one's behavior, but to accurately assess the opposing vantage point, one has to have had as a minimum first hand contact with the particular culture and preferably to have spent some time immersed in said culture.
The brochure in question strikes a very raw and unpleasant nerve in the Russian society - likening the current Government to the former Stalin regime. In the age of PR efforts, whether successful or not, of the current Government to distance themselves from the atrocities of Stalin, here comes a foreign corporation that throws gasoline in the fire spreading around claims backed by an unqualified majority in the courts of their own country. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THIS!
You can not go into someone else's house and expect them to play by YOUR rules.
It's basic common sense.
If the laws of the host country say you can not spread certain propaganda, you can not just go ahead and do it and then try to justify it because in your own country this is not a crime. If a 19-old Russian came to the United States and drank alcohol, he would have broken the law and no amount of convincing will make his actions "right" just because in Russia the legal drinking age is 18.
A few excerpts of the brochure are worth mentioning:
"CLAIM: Jehovah’s Witnesses endanger the State by sowing religious discord, claiming that theirs is the only true religion.
CONSIDER: Do you know of any religion that does not claim to be the true one? After all, why would people adhere to a religion if they did not believe its tenets to be true? Really, then, all religions are equally liable to the same charge. Perhaps it is more meaningful to ask, ‘How
are the adherents of a particular religion taught to treat those with different beliefs?’"
There is more falsehood in the above statements than I care to mention. Just a few Watchtower (Study Edition) quotes can nuke the above.
Here is another gem:
"CLAIM: Jehovah’s Witnesses are a destructive sect because they break up families.
CONSIDER: In any family, religion can be a sensitive issue, particularly when one member adopts a different faith. Does that mean, though, that the religions involved are to blame for the discord? Or do the individuals bear responsibility for how they handle their new differences?
For example, if strife arose in a family when one member converted to Orthodoxy or began to spend a great deal of time at the church, would the Orthodox Church beheld responsible? Surely not!"
Again, almost everyone on this board can tell you that this is an outright lie.
Breaking one’s family apart in a former Communist country has not only social implications and the resulting stigma, but it brings severe economical consequences often crossing into the realm of physical survival. Due to policies outside of the scope of this discussion, former Soviet citizens were forced for many years to work for a one apartment and one car and to call that their family possessions. Divorce was a rear occurrence (example from a personal experience – in my high school graduating class, only 2 out of 36 students had divorced parents. Compare this with the current rates in the US) and there was virtually no safety net for a place to stay, means of transportation, etc. should a couple divorce. People who have been lucky not to live under Communism are almost always amazed to learn that you couldn’t just go and rent a space or find a new job or start your life again in another city, etc…
Believe me, the mindset lives on and breaking one’s family apart is not viewed just as a mere…”…individual responsibility for how they (the parties involved) handle their differences” from the quote above. To try and apply this lawyer conscripted play of words to a situation in an entirely different culture and environment is at best disingenuous.
The Russian government simply didn't buy the WT's arguments and stuck to its guns.
The European Courts may render their opinions all they want: they are just that - the opinions of "foreigners".
Even though the English translation of the tract is a quite accurate representation of its Russian language "brother", the Russian comes across as Stalinist type propaganda. The style, self-righteous attitude and blatant ignorance of the law strikes too close to home for comfort to the very people who are trying to distance themselves from their former nightmare.
In conclusion, I agree with Mad Sweeney that the individual members are just the peons and sacrificial lambs in the hands of the Corp, and as such, should be spared from individual punishment.
Malawi should not have happened either, but we all know why and how it happened….