I agree that persecution for the Witness is akin to receiving a blood transfusion. Internal criticism is one thing, criticism by outsiders tends to bring cohesion. The ACLU was almost destroyed when it representated the principles of politcal speech under the 1st Amendment. Nazis announced they would hold a large demonstration in Skokie, Illinois, a town with an unusally large concentration of concentration camp victims. Jewish supporters and others cut off their funding of the ACLU. The lawyer bringing the case may have vomitted. Principles need to be upheld. Skokie residents formed all sorts of action groups to fight the Nazis. The emotional drain was enormous. Violence was promised. Jewish residents and even residents of Israel prepared for a rumble. The ACLU won at a very high loss for other causes. Once granted the right, the Nazis acknowledged no one wouldl show up. They did it to push buttons.
The Society is similar. Persecution enhances the Society's image. Ignoring the Witnesses is the best way to deal with them.