No. You didn't say anything. You made no point whatsoever.
I "said" quite a bit, dear HOL (again, peace to you!)... and made a couple of points, actually. That you didn't GET the point is no reason to get nasty...
Reality is not a bunch of bullshit riddles.
What riddles? Oh, you mean my points... that you didn't get. No, I spoke plainly, dear one.
Reality is right in front of your nose.
So says those who swallow the blue pill, yes.
Reality is the facts laid in front of your eyes that you are blind yourself with fantasies to admit.
I disagree. There are a whole lot of facts that are NOT laid out in front of our eyes.
Try again.
Why? You still wouldn't get it, but that's due to your deficiency, not mine.
PS - I love how your quote says "God damn it"
Noooo... it does not. Please, take another look, dear JIFB (peace to you!)...
- that sounds like such a perfect reflection of a christlike illustration.
Ummmm... the "christlike" part would be Morpheus' response, dear one, not Locke's exclamation. But then, we both know that your point is "Omigosh (notice, I said "gosh")... she's saying "gawdammit while giving a 'christlike illustration!" I'm not a prude, dear one, but your position is oh, so WTBTS-ish of you, though...
All the ones that cuss are my favorite modern day Jesus correlations.
Ummmm... first, I didn't cuss (or curse), but only quoted a movie line that did. Second, where is it written, "Thou shalt not cuss"? And please, please, don't give me that "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain" or whatever the verse is. "Gawd" is not the name of the Most Holy One of Israel. And "dammit" would only be cursing if there was someone being damned... which there wasn't ("it" is not a person).
It really reaches out to the kids, shows them just how hip Jesus was.
Throwing stones, are we, dear JIFB? Seriously? I am not a perfect reflection of Christ, dear one. I am not even fit to ties his shoe laces. Even so, I don't think he'd have a problem that I quoted a movie line that included the word "gawdammit" in it. That YOU have a problem with it is... well, quite interesting. Probably hypocritical, too...
Oh, wait! You used the word, "hell"! So, yep, you're a bit of a hypocrite, aren't ya? (And so, neener, neerner, neerner to you, too!)
Jesus wasn't just gangsta, he was an all out pimp.
Really. That's the best you can do. I start a thread, you comment, I respond, you don't like (and probably didn't get) my response... and so now you gotta call Christ names: gangsta and pimp, and all. Well, yeah, you're probably right: I'm probably not the one who'll most likely impress the kids. You know, 'cause I don't talk all "cool" and "thug" and all.
Well, I still bid you both peace... however "lame" that might be and "riddle-like" that might sound.
A slave of Christ,
SA, shaking head...