Heck, Why Stop At One?

by AGuest 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • HintOfLime
    Let me just point out that the matrix is 100% fantasy.
    Everyone here knows that.

    Well, it seems the sort of thing I need to spell out.

    There are people here who really think there was a guy named Samson who's strength was based on the length of his hair.

    - Lime

  • AGuest
    the quotes I presented apparently didn't resonate with AG's personal revelations

    Nor apparently mine, yours, dear JIFB (peace to you!), but so what? I took no offense...

    why try to make some wierd twist on them to fit her viewpoint?

    Ummmm... 'cause I started the thread and simply posted the lines, without any commentary, but thought it would be okay to share my viewpoint... since you shared yours (but didn't take it all as seriously as you evidently have - though, only you and my Lord know why)?

    I promise you dear sweet honey child (Anarchy to you), I am not offended by profanity.

    Apparently, not when you use it, of course not, no. Even so, I didn't use profanity (seriously, dear one, how old ARE you??). Not even if you count the word actually used in the film... which I didn't use but chose to tone that down a bit... for the sake of those who might actually be offended (as opposed to someone who just wants to hypocritically point the finger but with absolutely no grounds to do so).

    Gotta go, dear JIFB. It's late, I'm tired (and cold - brrrrrrrr! They're even forecasting SNOW in the next day or so... right here in the good ol' Bay Area! Cheezus!! I HATE the cold!)... and you can't keep up (so, my mind has moved on - toward sleep).

    Again, peace to you (and the greatest of love and peace to you, dear Tams... and thanks for your support and kind/loving attempt to clarify for dear JIFB, though I'm not sure if you succeeded... or even can)!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Curtains

    aguest, I see you are having fun and drama with your misunderstandings. carry on ... but I hope the one who whispers in your ear is there for you when others decide to have some fun too at your expense.

  • Curtains

    Tammy, isn't it a little unfair that you are defending aguest, a long time poster with over 6000 posts under her belt, against 2 newbies who together have under a 1000 posts?

  • PublishingCult

    "Through Christ I am forgiven."

    Christianity is a blue pill. It feels good to be forgiven of everything.

    Here is the red pill for you.. here is the harsh reality:

    The choices you make in life have concequences. If you do a bad thing, and you will HURT people, perhaps permanently, and that's all there is to it. It's not ok to do bad things. You may not be forgiven.

    Can you swallow that reality?

    In the end, no matter what we may have done to others, and may the consequences rain down justly, it is not an imaginary deity who can or will forgive. Ultimately, we will be faced with having to forgive ourselves.

  • tec

    Curtains, I'm not sure why length of posting time matters?

    In either case, I was a) defending what was being said (regardless of who said it), and b) defending a poster and friend from, herself, being misunderstood and having her character attacked... rather than what she was saying.

    Both JIFB and HOL have been here longer than me; I just post more. (yes, I just post WAAAAAYYYY more, lol )

    Curtains, some do people have fun at Shelby's expense, and often. She is often misunderstood in what she says as well, but there are also many posters here who love her, and do understand her... even if they do not always agree with her.


  • Curtains


    Curtains, I'm not sure why length of posting time matters?

    Is this a serious question? I'm genuinely not sure. Length of posting time matters because an individual has had relatively greater opportunity to engage with posters here, make friends, gain posting confidence, learn from mistakes through interaction, go for therapy too, etc. Shelby has probably done all these things.

    Recommending that she seek therapy is legit imo on a board like this. How is that attacking character? They are simply responding to her posts.

    Curtains, some do people have fun at Shelby's expense, and often. She is often misunderstood in what she says as well, but there are also many posters here who love her, and do understand her... even if they do not always agree with her.

    TEC, shelby has had a lot of fun at the expense of newbies. They may have their own private traumas and may be as fragile if not more so than she is. Have you considered this? BTW I love shelby too and when I disagree with her, or when anyone else disagrees with her, I don't consider that they are expressing what you or she ascribe to them. I know I don't anyway and I do not think the posters on this thread did either.

  • tec

    It was a serious question. Note that I did not attack JIFB or HOL. Just disagreed with them. I was not angry in the least. I was a bit silly from being tired, and a little confounded at how a simple thread turned into 'seek therapy for your hallucinations', and 'you can't use the matrix as a quote when you're talking about Christ because there's swearing and violence in the movie' (second thread for that same thing, btw).

    If someone is genuinely concerned about another person... I would ask this: If you thought you knew a genuinely crazy person in RL, would you follow them around and mock them and their hallucinations? Or would you quietly suggest it once or twice, and perhaps even consider why their family, friends and co-workers seem NOT to have the same problem as you do with that person?

    I do not see Shelby as fragile at all, though. But I'm sure that she can get weary like anyone else in constantly being told to seek therapy because she is crazy and hallucinating.

    My "LOL, Seriously?" was not very gentle with JIFB, and so I apologize to him (to you, JIFB) for that. I'm sure I could have used a gentler way to make my point that she had as much right to use an analogy to assist in explaining a belief as he had, and also that he had done the very thing that he was now rebuking her for doing.

    TEC, shelby has had a lot of fun at the expense of newbies

    But she is not malicious like that. Pointing out this misunderstanding does not mean that I am attacking you, or anyone else who thinks so. It just means that I am trying to point out a misunderstanding, and replace it with the truth. Its what we do for our friends and loved ones, isn't it? I wasn't sure about Shelby at first either (though I kept that to myself, seeing as I was new and might not understand her), but Outlaw spoke up for her in love and in friendship, and gave me cause to reconsider my first - false - impression.


  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    This still going on?

    Curtains - thanks for the props. Although, I don't think anyone seeing this thread takes it too seriously. The only serious thing about it is AG's delusions and her continued persistence to avoid getting professional help.

    Using a sci-fi movie to help validate her hallucinations (which is exactly what she is doing whether she acknowledges it or not) speaks for itself. Not really much anyone can say to make that point more obvious than she did by starting the thread in the first place. I think deep inside her she knows it's a game - one that she keeps playing hoping that she'll find validation from different ones that keep her from getting professional help. In the end - she probably is harmless, other than not accepting reality. I was posting to fight off a bit of insomnia, and her's and TEC's replies worked better than valium.

    # of posts don't matter to me - it's the content of them. If readers here think I need defending from somebody that thinks Bert and Ernie are real people, then I guess I'm the one that really needs help. While I've not read her several thousands of posts, (If I was that sleepless I really would take a valium) the few I have read are the same thing over and over. Eventually, people with real lives move on and see how pointless it is to talk with someone over the internet that has completely lost her grip on reality.

    If I ever find myself with that many posts for that many years, I absolutely deserve to have my head checked. For me, being on here is about moving on from my identity as a JW. If I stay here as long as her, I'll never do that. As long as I'm here, I'll always be an ex-JW, or an ex-JW that likes to argue with the ex-JW crazy lady - neither of those are identities I want to embrace. But for now, it helps with the transition and I've made a few friends. I'll be honest, when I first saw some of Aguest's posts, I thought losing one's mind was was a real possibilty for those that left the org. It almost made me want to reconsider. But then I read a bit more and realized few if anyone takes her seriously.

    So what's going to happen is that, like so many others have already done, eventually I'll find zero interest in joining her little game-threads. She'll keep posting, she'll never get the psychiatric care she needs, and others will come along and appease her by playing her same-old same-old game threads. It will be this distant memory, of a transition time after I left the JWs for good - and completely removed the JW identity from my life. It will just be this thing I used to do. I won't join some ex-mormon religious board or ex-scientology religion board either. I never was one and can't imagine what would be missing in my life to spend so much time at an internet disscussion forum for former members of a religion that I wasn't raised in nor did I marry into it nor did I every convert to as an adult.

  • tec
    I never was one and can't imagine what would be missing in my life to spend so much time at an internet disscussion forum for former members of a religion that I wasn't raised in nor did I marry into it nor did I every convert to as an adult.

    For the record, JIFB, I very nearly did get baptized. I did believe everything, fully, or I would not have agreed to join (even though I didn't KNOW everything that I thought I did about them) When I decided not to join when I walked away... I felt like dying. I was afraid that I had turned my back on God, by turning my back on His organization. Since I had a pre-witness life, I now also started to worry not just about annihilation, but also hell. I WANTED to die, the pain was that bad, the loss was that bad. I did not try to die, simply because I had children and I could not do that to them. I spent a lot of time scouring the internet (since I had NO ONE who I could talk to in real life, since I knew no one who had ever been in my position), trying to reassure myself that I was right to leave because of all the things that jw's were wrong about. Same as every ex-jw feels for a while.

    JWfacts helped a lot... so did Universalists who did not believe in hell, and the fears that others had.

    So I do have a right and a reason to join here. I might not be afraid anymore, but I do like to discuss faith now that I am removed from jw thinking, and I do like to share what good things I can, to help someone feel better if I can, to help someone consider another pov if I can, to learn from others and their pov's, and to stay in contact with those I have become friends with and care about... who are HERE on this board.

    I wasn't going to respond to your post when I started to read it, because it speaks for itself on what I thought you were doing to begin with when you posted on this thread... but you've taken a couple of digs now at my right to be here and my absurdly high posting count, and so now you know the reasons... do whatever you with that.


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