I'm thinking to myself, so Jesus is ruling invisibly and hasn't exactly gone out of his way to announce his rulership.......but the nations are at fault for not recognizing this?
Jesus obviously needs a new PR firm, as the current one is not getting him enough publicity.
On a simliar note:
Earth's population 7 Billion (almost)
Christendom: 2 Billion
Islam: 1.5 Billion
Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 Billion
Hindu: 900 Million
Buddist: 400 Million
Jewish: 14 Million
JWs: 7.5 Million Publishers or 18.7 Million at Memorial
OR, as WTS puts it:
JWs: 7.5 Million SATAN: 6.99 Billion
Why is Satan's team winning by a landslide??