Are the nations and their rulers at fault for not recognizing Jesus' invisible rulership?

by miseryloveselders 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'm thinking to myself, so Jesus is ruling invisibly and hasn't exactly gone out of his way to announce his rulership.......but the nations are at fault for not recognizing this?

    Jesus obviously needs a new PR firm, as the current one is not getting him enough publicity.

    On a simliar note:

    Earth's population 7 Billion (almost)

    Christendom: 2 Billion

    Islam: 1.5 Billion

    Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 Billion

    Hindu: 900 Million

    Buddist: 400 Million

    Jewish: 14 Million

    JWs: 7.5 Million Publishers or 18.7 Million at Memorial

    OR, as WTS puts it:

    JWs: 7.5 Million SATAN: 6.99 Billion

    Why is Satan's team winning by a landslide??

  • baltar447

    There's only 14 million jewish people? Only that many??

  • thetrueone

    The statements coming out of the WTS. are at times erroneously laughable but when its realized why they do this

    self identifying of themselves its not surprising at all.

    There are some very brainwashed indoctrinated people who've taken the responsibility to keep the organization's obtained supporters

    subservient to their working demands and needs.

    This organization has always self acknowledged itself as god's specially chosen messenger, illegitimately but not without probable cause and intent.

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    MLE - This has always been a curious one and when I pointed this out the MIL she said that I was just wrong as I didn't read the bible! (The stock answer when she is stumped and needs an out!)

    The Queen of England is a Fidei Denfensor, or denfender of the faith. a title which has been with the english monarchy since 1521 and can be found on any british currency.

    As a denfender of the faith, ie Christainity, surely she is not going to object to christ's rule? She defends it!

    Yet by JW standards all leaders of all nations are linked with Satan..........

    Its a good thing witnesses weren't around 200 years ago in the uk! Statements like that would have seen them up on treason charges!

  • cyberjesus

    If Jesus has been ruling for 97 years already.... He is doing an bad job at it, he should be fired. Why the freaking wait? to allow more people learn about him? 99% of the people alive now didnt even existed in 1914..... The show is over.

  • thetrueone

    Jesus returned in 1914 because some men bought and purchased expensive printing machines with their own money.

    If you have preconceived that you have the freedom of religion within yourself why not use this to exploitive

    self supporting means ? Printing and selling bibles is something else the WTS does, is it so surprising that the WTS. would

    create a marketing scheme to enhance the sale of their products ?

    There are still charlatans today who exploit people's belief in the word of god, the bible, to sell products which

    cultivate a huge amount of wealth and prosperity, which aren't even taxed.

    Have you ever watched a Jack Van Impe show and noticed right after he spilled out his fast selling speech

    how the bible has a bunch of prophecies that are being fulfilled currently today.

    Its all designed to support the selling of his DVDs, books etc. $$$ making him and his wife very well off.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Jesus was granted still more authority in 1914. In that year he was appointed as King of Jehovah's Messianic Kingdom.

    Christ did not wait 1,900 years to receive a mere “subsidiary share” of God’s kingdom. He received it all.

    18 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. (Matt. 28:18 NWT)

    10 And so YOU are possessed of a fullness by means of him, who is the head of all government and authority. (Col. 2:10 NWT)

    The Jehovah's Witnesses' version of the temporary New Covenant kingdom and their 1914 subsidiary kingdom which are not separate kingdoms at all, pursuant to Ephesians 1:20, 22.

    ... which he worked in Christ, raising him from the dead and seating him at his right hand in the heavens, far above every principality, authority, power and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things beneath his feet, ... (NAB)

    This Scripture renders their temporary New Covenant invalid because it clearly states that Christ's kingdom authority and power applies to the next age and covers more than the 144,000. And, Christ's share in the 1914 kingdom is total, not partial, and that rule began in the first century after he ascended and was seated at God's right hand, not 1914.

  • Lozhasleft

    Oh hell MLE I remember the time when I would have answered that way and not had a shred of a doubt about it !!! Shame on me.

    Loz x

  • dgp

    Please, please, please, please people, take no offense. But the world would listen a lot more if Jehovah's witneses preached in bathing suits. I've seen quite a few good looking sisters :-).

    Since Satan is so wicked, why not beat him at his own game?

  • thetrueone

    In terms of bible interpretation Jonathan Dough's statement is obviously more coherent and honest.

    The reason of course the WTS. interpretation is arranged as it has, is that their core doctrines surround and circumvent the year 1914,

    not only as Christ's returning establishment of his earthly kingdom but also when Satan was hurled down to earth.

    This is and has been more or less one of the examples of the WTS. self ordaining themselves as god's personal and chosen messengers.

    It has also been a established as a marketing scheme to attract the publics attention toward the WTS. own published literature.

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