Witnesses are saying "END IS RIGHT NOW!"

by free2beme 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Millions

    I was fairly certain there would be a collective knee-jerk reaction from the JWs to the Middle East stuff, I just don't have any easy way of confirming it these days. So thanks for putting my mind at rest everyone - glad to see they are still as barking mad as ever.

    Brings back memories from back in the 80s of my mum telling me to shush as she listened to her radio in the kitchen whenever the words Pope, UN, or religion made an appearance. 'Peace and security!' she would proclaim triumphantly. I expect she is still hunched over the radio today. My poor mum... :(

  • FreeAtLast1914

    Recently I was forced to be among family due to a celebration I could not avoid. However I also could not avoid overhearing a conversation between a couple of them huddled in the kitchen about "how the scene of the world is changing", "how this turmoil in the Middle East shows that we are sooooo close to the great tribulation" and other wacky statements that JWs relish.

    My first thought was . Then it was, "Seriously? The scene of this world is changing? Turmoil in the Middle East is a sign? When in the history of man has there not been turmoil in that region?" Then I thought, "Wait a minute. This isn't necessarily a bad thing anyway. People are standing up for their rights as human beings. How is that bad?"

    But I didn't say anything. I just stood there out of sight, listening to them pat themselves on the back about how great it is to be "part of Jehovah's Organization", and how "the Society is always a step ahead of world events."

    Then a smile crept across my face when the realization set in that I had successfully escaped such ridiculous, deluded thinking. That may well have been me seven years ago, standing there making a fool of my self-righteousness.

    I left that party thankful things had played out in my life in a way that opened my eyes, but also disappointed that no one else in my family has experienced such relief. Maybe someday.

  • d

    I also hear thorough some witness how the violence in the middle east is going to come here.I was whatever, those people are fighting for their freedom.What is so bad about that? As time goes on those Jw's become more delusional,I am glad I am out. When ever the witness come over it is always come back d the end is near and we want you to be saved.Just leave me and my family alone.We are so done with your done with your end times nonsense.I wonder how they will react when 2014 rolls around? I can't wait to rub it in their face when it does.


    The End is aways Near for Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • d

    I was wondering what they are saying about Wisconsin and the protests?They are probably saying Armageddon is near because the violence is coming here.

  • Vidiot

    villabolo - "Besides, it's not going to be the current popular uprisings in the Mid East that will cause ruination but Peak Oil in combination with increasing crop failures due to Global Warming."

    Well said (don't forget unsustainable population growth).

    And the WT does virtually nothing to prepare its membership for these "tribulations".

  • Vidiot

    jeckle - "it seems the best hope they had for gov's turning on religion was during the cold war. makes me wonder about where they daisy chained all that together and why?"

    See the first post on this page: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/205477/2/A-timely-booster-shot-for-JWs

  • d

    Rebel forces are out fighting Qadfi's forces the witness are going to be too happy when they hear this

  • Mary
    However I also could not avoid overhearing a conversation between a couple of them huddled in the kitchen about "how the scene of the world is changing", "how this turmoil in the Middle East shows that we are sooooo close to the great tribulation"

    The 'scene of the world' is always changing---nothing in any civilization stays stagnet forever and then when you factor in technology, it's simply a foregone conclusion that society as we know it "is changing" and will always change. The society that we live in now will be unrecognizable in 300 years (except for the Witlesses who will still be getting all excited claiming how "close The End is"----if the religion even exists by then.)

    Plus, there's been political turmoil in the Middle East for thousands of years, so this is nothing unusual. Plus, according to the Reasoning from the Scriptures, the WTS does not acknowledge that the battles going on in that region has any special significance except that it's all part of "nation rising against nation".

    My father said something the other day about how "maybe this is the beginning of The End". I didn't say anything as there is little point in arguing with an elderly JW who has gone his entire life believing The End would come before he died.

  • zoiks

    Conversation with mom this weekend:

    Mom- "I won't preach to you any more."

    Me- "Thank you, I appreciate that."

    Mom- "BUT...do me one favor. Research the feet of the great idol in the WT Library. It matches the Middle East perfectly! One brother recently said in a talk that the only thing we are waiting for is the cry of peace and security!"

    Me- "Okay."

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