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Why Would YOU Never Go Back To The Witnesses?
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
The organizational irregularities/injustices and the new generation explanation.
They provide appeal methods that often times fall short of doing what is right. Even if a decision is later found faulty, they stick with the wrong instead of correcting it.
I hate the fact that they hold paradise as always just around the corner, but it doesn't come. I have known many a dear jw who tried to hang on just a little while longer to enter into the new order, because the CO said we are on the edge of entry into the paradise, only to fall in death.
They lie. I don't like liars.
At the top of my list is that going back would be downright harmful to my emotional wellbeing. I've noticed that being around JWs for a few years at a stretch causes major depression in me. JWs, as a whole, are an emotionally toxic bunch. Is it any wonder that JWs have rates of mental illness several times higher than the average population? Even worse, the Governing Body keeps tightening the screws and continually squeezing the life out of the Rank & File.
What I also can't stand is the elitism and snobbery. That if you're not at least an Elder, Ministerial Servant, Pioneer or at least married, you're nothing to the congregation. Oh, and the fact that they think they are the only ones worthy of salvation when the 'Big A' comes. UGH!
Other things I find revolting are the injustices, corruption and nepotism in the BOrg. 'Directed by Holy Spirit', my ass!
One more thing: No one is gonna tell me with whom I can or cannot be friends with. No one is gonna tell me who I can or cannot be romantically involved with, especially not some filthy old men in Brooklyn! Grr!
Because I lost my faith in Jay Hoover, Jesus, the F&D Slave and the Bible. Because I want to die free and because the Truth is the Big Lie.
Yeah, these people just want to tell you what to do, who to talk to, what to read, etc. Who the hell do they think they are?
Put simply, I know too much.
Because they no longer serve vanilla pudding at the DC's.
White Dove
I'm not a masochist: I can't take their abuse anymore.
I'm not a sadist: I can't inflict the required pain on others anymore.
I'm also not neeeeedy, nor am I a control freak.
I simply don't need their poison in my life, anymore.
There's a million reasons why I'd never go back.
Assuming we got it all wrong and it was true, I cannot stomach the people in that organisation.