Lol, thank u jamie :-) i thought my attempt at humour wasnt going to get any love :-)
Don't you DARE to get up!!
by stillin9 50 Replies latest jw experiences
I recall a DC and they were doing a test to see if all would be faithful to Jehovah's org, eg, if they say jump-you ask how far. The test consisted of everyone being very still and not getting out of their seats and all that. I got up out of my seat as I was looking for someone. I got some looks but even till this day I laugh at how dopey they all were. Could have heard a pin drop it was so quiet. Was in either late 80's early 90's.
At the Episcopal Church, there are often crayons and coloring books, etc for kids when they come in for the eucharist or communion. If the babble or cry, people just smile. We cherish the kids being there with us. We want them to enjoy the service. If they are baptized, no matter what age, they may take communion right along with the adults.
Ugh I don't miss the KH at all...being a kid at the hall, doubly so. I remember trying to find every excuse to get up and walk around, go to the bathroom and chit chat a little as a teen, etc. My brother was a darn genius at this game. Most meetings, he'd get to the point that he'd finally give himself a nosebleed on purpose just to get up and go to the bathroom and hang out in there a while. Or he'd pull the elastic out of his socks and ask to go throw it away lmao. Anything to be able to get up for a stretch and not listen to the droning on and on of Brother So-and-so talking about oral and anal sex or "heavy petting". Personally, I think that those types of talks ALONE were reasons children should have their own learning programs at the KH. Those subjects are totally inappropriate for kids. I mean, even nowadays they will give a movie at least a PG-13 rating for even a MENTION or an ALLUSION to oral or anal sex. And yet, we have infants on up listening to it at the meetings under the pretense that it's for religious instructional purposes. It's for "setting things straight". Well, I think THEY need to be set straight on what is and is not appropriate discussion around children. I hate that they use Israel as an example and say that the entire assembly was present, even kids, when they were discussing these matters. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. Back then there was no commandments that stated "thou shalt not blow thy neighbor", so I tend to doubt things were discussed in THAT much depth.
I remeber the long assemblies.I remeber once when it was raining and thundering.I was scared the power was going out in the assembly because the lights kept flickering.So I was glad to leave that was in 2005.
It amazing how much the WTS can come up with to make JWs feel guilty…
Found Sheep
This makes me so glad that if I ever have kids they will NOT be raised by 12 old men in NYC that I have never met!
When I was a student in college, part of our students' bill of rights included a clause for a 10-minute break for every 50 minutes of lecture time. There is some good research to back up that practice too - peoples' ability to maintain attention and retain information diminishes after the one-hour point, and a quick intermission to get a drink of water or stretch the legs improves concentration and information retention.
In terms of the Kingdom Hall™, the "intermission" provided by the mid-point song also prevents embarrassing "accidents" on the part of toddlers.
I always got criticized for taking my kids for a diaper change at that point of the program. That stopped after a few smelly diapers were left to ripen in my diaper bag during the first half of the meeting.
Mad Sweeney
It has been touched on but it bears spelling out: the long boring meetings and the slow boring songs are part of the indoctrination process. The more tired you are, the more suggestible you are. The more you engage in group rituals together, especially ones that are challenging, the stronger your group solidarity and conformity will be.
In short, it's all about cult mind control.
Stay yo ass in this seat during this song, OR ELSE its me and you in the backroom, and everybody is going to hear.