Hi guys, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and care. Some posts made me laugh, some cry. Murray Smith, it would be great if you could send me the link about Mental health issues in the JW camp..thanks x
Well, yesterday, and without asking, my husband threw away ALL THE WATCHTOWER AND AWAKE MAGAZINES!!! I had stuff given to me going back to 1983, so you can imagine, it was a lot!! Think it was at least....45 brown plastic boxes full!! Oh well, they went down to the recycling tip....
Ive kept my bible, for now. Im still a spiritual person, and I do feel a bit lost, where do I fit in now? But Im confident that God will lead me in the right direction.
I listened to the link about an elder being disfellowshiped...wow...over 3 hrs of it...what an eye opener! Especially that the organisation was part of the UN while fighting for the rights of French witnesses, unbeliveable!!!! Im going to listen to the appeal hearing later today.
I still dont know how to send personal messages on here, but for Murray..if you could send me the info that would be great. Thanks also for the info on the FRANZ book, will take a look at that.
Your support and care has been a life saver, many many thanks guys x