I see where you're coming from BSheep . . . also by extension control over in which order the subjects are introduced
Mr M's post got me thinking about my own indoctrination (23 yrs ago) for quite some time.
In response to an intense discussion one evening, my study conductor said something like . . . "But stop and think Murray ... what's at stake here ... everlasting life on earth! ... in pardise! . . . you wouldn't want to throw that opportunity away just because something doesn't quite fit right now" . . . as best I can recall anyway.
I'm sure you've heard something similar at one time? . . . the "implications" block full rejection/acceptance of the idea and leave it "pending"
This in turn allows for control of subject and also order of presentation. As indoctrination proceeds further, added implications make rejection/ acceptance easier in indoctrinators favour. I think this is critical in having someone accept something that a short time earlier would have seen as totally wierd.
What makes me want to go kick a dog is realising that in the converted state I became a puppet mind-controller myself