"Islamaphobia is Unpatriotic"--Article With Disturbing Video

by Justitia Themis 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis



    “A shocking and vitriolic display of hate against Muslims attending a charity event for battered women in Yorba Linda, California. They are abused with calls of “Go home,” and “terrorist,” little children are subjected to it as well. A Villa Park Councilwoman named Deborah Pauly echoes the rhetoric of Pamela Geller and even calls for the murder of participants (who she labels “Terrorists”) at the charity event. In an ironic moment she justified her statements by saying, “I don’t even care, I don’t even care if you think I’m crazy anymore.’”

    Sadly the video below chronicles only one instance of Islamophobia. Perhaps most troubling is that Islamophobia persists and elected leaders support such heinous acts. Sure, these protests are constitutional and, as the Supreme Court ruled this week, if it’s in a public place, protest can continue regardless of how demeaning.

    Simple fact is this:
    We shouldn’t need Supreme Court rulings in order for us to say that visages of hate such as the one shown below are wrong and unpatriotic. I could try to explain to these “protestors” that what they yell counters religious liberty vital to America’s identity. I could try to explain that the hate they spout sows seeds of hate among their children and communities. I could try to reveal the gross negligence they display, but people who yell hateful words against those trying to help battered women probably won’t listen.

    Our struggle as America, the grand experiment, remains the ability to move forward together. Only together under one flag (the one with 50 stars and 13 stripes) can we expect improvement. As long as we call these visages of hate “protests” we will live in the delusion of "separate but equal." Some things never change. Our combative tones makes a “more perfect union” (read: the American Dream) the greatest pipe dream ever to have existed. It will remain as such so as long as we fight against each other, and not for each other.

    As with Jim Crow, Women’s Voting Rights, or McCarthyism, American Society possesses an uncanny ability to find someone to oppress. If you were to examine American history it would chronicle the story of how the oppressed become privileged, and then found a new group to oppress. Islamophobia marks the next unfolding chapter of injustice.

    Remarkably, many of these people will attend a Christian congregation on Sunday, and it is there that they have been fed abhorrent messages of hate. I struggle, every day, to come to terms with that fact that they call themselves Christian and I call myself Christian. I struggle, every day, to come to terms with that fact that they call themselves American and I call myself American. We must recognize that we need each other, or we will forward yet another oppressive movement that inevitably leads to the demeaning of our common humanity.

    With my Muslim brothers and sisters I find strength. The story of humanity's redemption remains far from finished, and I hope humanity lasts long enough to see it come about. Those that denounce this act must stand together, and speak out lest our silence remain complicit with injustice. Half-truths have been made “The Truth.” Our humanity calls us forth into persistence that demands neither condemnation nor simplification, but transformation. Words of hate that call for militant action against American citizens practicing Islam demeans America’s identity. It’s not only the American principles their words weaken; it’s not only the Founders they disgrace with their egregious visage of hate; it’s not only our children and future ancestors who, with their continued hate, they sell short; but, we demean our common humanity.

    If Islamophobes care about what America “once was,” they will cease hateful speech, and learn the narrative of oppression constantly forwarded in this country. If Islamophobes call themselves “patriotic” they will understand that Muslims have died for the flag in front of which they yell. If Islamophobes want Muslims to “go home” then they too should pack their bags. This country is not the home of the White-Anglo-Saxon Protestant, Catholic, Tea Party Member, Democrat, Republican, or any person save Indigenous American Peoples.

    Unpatriotic isn't the failure to fly a flag. Unpatriotic is Islamophobia and anything that ignores the narrative of oppression from which this country was built, and presently uses to slow justice.

    Our common destiny is our common humanity.

    E Pluribus Unum. Or, if you need a quote from someone there in the beginning, here’s President Thomas Jefferson:
    “Freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of person under the protection of habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us, and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.”

    Will we allow them to continue to guide us? Or, will we turn out the light of liberty and cease to be the “city on a hill”? If we cannot accept our Islamic citizens we fail our United States of America.

  • BizzyBee

    That much raw hatred is pretty sickening to watch. Lordy, lordy, where is all this going to end?

  • tec

    You know, one day people are going to look back on this and be ashamed of their predecessors. We don't really tend to learn from history, do we? Even though we like to think we do.


  • d

    The video is disturbing.We really have not learned much from our past.We ridiculed Germans in the first and second world war.Now we treat Middle Easterners badly because of the war in Afghastianistan.We really do not learn from our past.we only repeat it.Me personally I have lost faith in my fellow Americans, hate has done us in.We have become the very thing we have hated.This country is screwed their really is no hope

  • dgp

    I agree that America should not discriminate against others because of their national origin or religion. I would like to point out, however, that Muslims do not accord better treatment to people of their same national origin, citizens of their same country, if they don't happen to share their faith.

    Not that much ago, this is what happened in Indonesia, done by Indonesians against Indonesians of a different flavor of Islam. The government did little to prevent this. It is shocking indeed.



    So, in full agreement with the idea that no one should be discriminated against, I would encourage American Muslims to denounce discrmination against other Muslims, by Muslims. And I would also encourage those against discrimination of Muslims to take due note of this.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The goal of Islam is the destruction of Western Civilization.

    Embrace your assassin* at your peril.

    *The word assassin is derived from the word Hashshashin (Arabic: hashshashiyin, also Hashishin, Hashashiyyin, or Assassins), and shares its etymological roots with hashish. It referred to the Nizari branch of the Isma'ili Shia founded by the Persian Hassan as-Sabbah during the Middle Ages.

  • villabolo

    Where are our resident Tea Scum Bag apologists? Isn't this what you're all about? Don't you have the balls (or ovaries) to heckle children? Come on, be brave; at least behind the anonymity of a monitor and keyboard.


  • beksbks
    I agree that America should not discriminate against others because of their national origin or religion. I would like to point out, however, that Muslims do not accord better treatment to people of their same national origin, citizens of their same country, if they don't happen to share their faith.
    Not that much ago, this is what happened in Indonesia, done by Indonesians against Indonesians of a different flavor of Islam. The government did little to prevent this. It is shocking indeed.

    Sure, and Mary Stuart had Protestants burned, and likewise Elizabeth I had Catholics burned, and Richard I ravaged Jerusalem in the name of God, and let's talk about the Spanish Inquisition while we're at it or how about Viking marauders or American Slavery, crimes against women from Eve onward or ................................ you name it.

    But this is America, 2011 and we are supposed to be better than this.

    The goal of Islam is the destruction of Western Civilization.
    Embrace your assassin* at your peril.

    Funny it looks more like Christianity is and always has been trying to take over the world with bibles, charity, or if that fails, swords. We are the ones who invaded them, not the reverse. Of course they do just happen to be sitting on a damn valuable commodity. If they are so anxious to destroy us and such a heinous crowd in general, why is Saudi Arabia one of our best buddies? They have some of the worst human rights scores in the world.

    31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

    32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

  • villabolo

    Nathan Natas:

    The goal of Islam is the destruction of Western Civilization.
    Embrace your assassin* at your peril.

    Have you ever heard of the Old Testament?

    1. How they were to conquer and exterminate nations? (Deuteronomy 3:1-7)
    2. How they amputated the hand of a woman simply for defending her husband from his attacker by grabbing his testicles? (Deuteronomy 25:11,12)
    3. How they executed the victim of rape fo not screaming? (Deuteronomy 22:23,24)

    Bottom line, your condemnation of a billion Muslims by painting them with a broad brush; assuming that they are all under the spell of these statements you quoted; is every bit as ridiculous as making the same assumption for all current Jews.

    Then what about condemning every Christian because Jesus condemned people to Gehenna left and right? Yes, those Christians should be told about what their scriptureshave to say. And many of them will ignore it due to dissonance but are you advocating that every church in Christendom be treated in the same way as those Muslims were treated?


  • Bangalore

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