You ever get like that? I don't mean sex, but rather affection. I need to be pampered and tended to. Just want somebody to put their hands on my face and call me baby tonight. I wouldn't mind being called Lord Misery either.
I need some lovin tonight. Some tender loving affection and care, ya know?
by miseryloveselders 43 Replies latest jw friends
I'll go oomph upside your knotty head!
Just kidding.
I'm in a bad mood because lately I haven't been sleeping well - the medication for my stomach problems makes me have erotic dreams at night.
I hate to tell my doctor that; he already thinks I'm loopy.
I'll go oomph upside your knotty head!
Just kidding.
I'm in a bad mood because lately I haven't been sleeping well - the medication for my stomach problems makes me have erotic dreams at night.
I hate to tell my doctor that; he already thinks I'm loopy.
i just need sex...
well, i dont need it..
but it'd be cool. not with you tho.. im a dude.
i think i sucessfully adressed this post.
time for another drink methinks
Mr. Falcon
I'm 2 people short of a threesome.
I'm in a bad mood because lately I haven't been sleeping well - the medication for my stomach problems makes me have erotic dreams at night.
I hate to tell my doctor that; he already thinks I'm loopy.
If I'm remember correctly, you're post hiatal hernia, correct? Tell ya something, Diphenhydramine, commonly known as Benadryl is marketed in a higher dosed form as Sominex, although there's other generic forms that can be purchased in Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart. Sominex is used as a sleep aid because Diphenhydramine has a nasty drowsy side effect. I work in healthcare, and something I found out was that Medicare B covers Diphenhydramine for post chemotherapy nausea. I was surprised to find it on the list with other anti-nausea meds such as Zofran or Emend. But it makes sense, because a derivitive of Diphenhydramine, is Dimenhydrinate commonly known as Dramamine for motion sickness which also has a nasty drowsy side effect.
I'm thinking Syl that a couple 50mg Diphenhydramine would not only help with your sleep but also with the stomach woes you have. Not to say it should replace whatever Proton Pump Inhibitor they have you on.
i just need sex...
well, i dont need it..
but it'd be cool. not with you tho.. im a dude.
i think i sucessfully adressed this post.
time for another drink methinks
Me too, a drink that is!!!
I'm 2 people short of a threesome.
Are we undercover apostates losers when it comes to love?
I'm just getting old and crazier!
Thanks, Misery.
You'll find someone to hold your hand and read poetry to you.
You just wait and see.
$120 will take you out of your mysery for 30 mins.
You'll find someone to hold your hand and read poetry to you.
You just wait and see.
Poetry?!?!? The hell would I want someone to read poetry to me for? I just want a beautiful woman to adress me as Lord Misery, and feed me beans from a burrito by hand. Each bean, and each piece of steak and chicken. Then give me a massage and tuck me into bed, and rub my feet until I fall sound asleep.