Have you REALLY changed?

by AK - Jeff 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't get around to visit this board very often these days. Still, when I do, I always come across a thread or two by former Jw's who are now church members. They don't look any different to me than Jw's in so many ways:

    1. Self proclaimed carriers of 'truth' - only now it is the 'truth' that they discovered in Jesus, or the first Baptist Church of Righteousville
    2. Arrogant, assured of their salvation and the condemnation of others who have not accepted 'the light'
    3. Still pounding the Bible - and worshiping that same OT bloodthirsty demon they refer to as 'my father'.
    4. Listening to different explanations of the same verses but convinced that they are now in the right - just ask them
    5. All are of the 'anointed' class now - something they secretly desired as Jws - and now can have it - heaven for them
    6. In denial of scientific fact
    7. In denial of the myriads of Bible contradictions and outright falsities
    8. In denial real 'truth' and preferring fantasy about invisible people in invisible places bestowing invisible rewards to those who have 'faith' but no real proof of anything

    WOW. WHY? Just WOW!


  • finallysomepride

    different airsick bag, but still same contents

  • alanv

    I have totally changed to being a much more thinking person and on the look out for new imfo all the time to improve mine and others life.

    As a witness I was so happy when I saw something bad in the news. For me that meant I was right spreading the doom and gloom of the JW message.

    I supose I am sitting on the fence re. an inteligent designer. Certainly I agree with much of what I learn about evolution and the natural world.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I hear ya'. I am surprised when people go to another church. But I have a friend I met in pioneer school who is now df'd and a firm believer in science, and evolution. She is currently trying to make butt-loads of money because she hopes to live long enough until nano-technology gets perfected and can replace human cells thereby creating longer, possibly eternal, lives. She figures she will need a lot of money to buy the technology to lengthen her life. Sounds to me like she has just found another road to everlasting life.

    Maybe it is so hard for some people to give up on their old beliefs they have to find replacements. I, for one, can't believe in anything right now...

  • OnTheWayOut

    There are some here who carry the "truth" of their newfound Christianity as a banner, even more who swear in the truth of the Bible. Most JWN Christians are not so dogmatic, but I hear what you mean, Jeff.

    When I was well on the path of researching WTS, I needed to go further. I needed to examine the Bible and Christianity and needed to know what were actual facts from science. I cannot turn a blind eye to Bible internal inconsistencies and it's disagreement with sound solid findings of archaeology and evolution science.
    I have a hard time reconciling my former acceptance of the mythology of Genesis without just looking at facts for myself.

  • isaacaustin

    AK_Jef...please check your pm

  • tec

    I see what you're talking about sometimes as well. But not necessarily concerning these different flavors of Christianity. Because that's just a surface thing, imo. Its the deeper attitude/intolerance of other peoples views that says:

    "I have it right. I found the truth, and anyone who didn't find what I've found is wrongbecause (insert reason here)."

    This attitude is not limited to the believers on this board.


  • chickpea

    born and reared catholic
    worked in some mainline xian
    protestant churches, then
    drank what they swore was k00l-aid

    as of right now and probably forevermore
    i have totally given up the love of the fairies.....

    (wish i could remember who on this board
    to attribute that oh, so telling remark to)

  • PublishingCult

    I was able to successfully change once I killed God.

    People, humanity, compassion, humility, confidence, courage, decision-making ability, deep thought, rational thinking, openness, acceptance, tolerance . . . all very wonderful attributes that have been made available to me through the death of all deities.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    When I left the JW's, i tried really hard to continue to believe in the bible and the bible god.

    But having been deceived for the first thirty some years of my life, I could no longer accept anything at face value.

    The more I researched and tried to make it real, the more it just fizzled into nothing.

    I have some christian friends who feel sorry for me because the JWs ruined christianity for me.

    But christianity did that all by itself.

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