Have you REALLY changed?

by AK - Jeff 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec
    AKJ- is identifying characteristics of former Christian JW. Why are they that way? Can you look at the question without bringing up what others in different belief systems do.

    The question was have you REALLY changed. Some people can change; some people can not. Just changing a belief system doesn't mean that YOU, yourself, have changed. If you were judgmental before, you might now be a Catholic or an atheist, and still be the same judgmental person that you were to begin with. If you had to be right before, and you still have to be right now, then have you changed? I don't think so.

    That is the question I answered.

    As for people who still believe and join a church, they do not seem to have left jw's because they no longer believed in God or Christ. They seem to have left because they no longer believed in the jws having or being the truth.


  • VampireDCLXV

    BRAVO, Tammy, BRAVO!


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