by ARoarer 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Man-look at this.

    We may squabble amongst one another, but don't fuck with us. We'll drop our petty arguing, unite, and kick your ass.

    I love it.


  • Pathofthorns

    Unfortunately you cannot force people to talk to you, and every person is free to shun you if they wish to.

    It is important not to over-react and make assumptions that they are on the verge of disfellowshipping you. Likely they are keeping their eyes open or doing an investigation, waiting for some evidence to materialize in order to disfellowship you, which likely could be provided by yourself during a moment of thoughtlessness.

    It is best not to talk to them verbally or meet with them. Insist that all correspondence be in writing. Write a letter to them, choosing your words carefully and not saying more than necessary.

    Likely they will just leave you alone if you have minimal contact with active Witnesses and are not spreading contrary views. They are not likely to do anything if you talk to the media regarding a personal experience regarding any sort of abuse. If they can prove you celebrated Christmas or have committed another "sin", there will be little you can do.


  • ARoarer

    I'm sure by now they believe they have evidence because one of the elders said he was a witness to the fact our house was decorated for Christmas, and the other elder asked if that was true or not. We told them we would not answer any of their questions and that we have not attended and would just like to be left alone. Thank you for the kind words and support.

    I love it too. It is true what you said how we can all squabble and disagree, but we all come together when it comes to the borg. No conditional on beliefs relationships here.

    I will e-mail you. Thank you sooo much

  • Pathofthorns

    You need to develope the art of distorting the truth They do not play a fair game, and while I agree they should be exposed with the truth without distortions, if you do not wish to be disfellowshipped and officially shunned, then you sometimes are left with no choice but to lie.

    Insist the elder is mistaken in what he claims to have seen. Maybe you just like the look of 'seasonal lighting'. The bottom line is that this might be one of those little white lies you might have to tell to keep from getting officially disfellowshipped.

    You don't need to debate with them or explain anything to them. Just send them a registered letter stating you have followed their rules and if they slander your name in any way by disfellowshipping you, you will take legal action.


  • ARoarer

    PATHO..... You are right. We did not lie or tell them anything other than we would not answer any questions without a lawyer present, and if they decide to make a public announcement we would take legal action against them personally. I hope they just let it drop but I doubt it. I agree with Ahshitaka about them going after like hounds now. It is really quite pathetic really. These grown men have nothing better to do than hang over each other's house in the middle of the day delving into our own personal business.

  • roybatty

    Meet with them, tell them to kiss your ass and walk out. The letter won't make a difference to them. At least keep your dignity and have the satisfaction that you didn't play their little game.

  • ARoarer

    Hey Roybatty, believe me I am contemplating it very seriously. If my husband and I don't you can bet my kids will

  • roybatty

    That's what I did. I even appealed the first JC just to mess with them. My "crime"? I joined the YMCA, and like you, this was after two years of not stepping into a KH.
    During the second meeting I stood up, looked at my watch and said "Monday Night Football is about to start, so it's been fun guys but I'm outta here."
    The look on their faces was priceless.

  • 68storm

    Right on roybatty!

    That must of felt so sweet.


    If its not too damaging to your present quality of life, I would follow roybatty's advice only I would also mention to the elders that if they ever needed some extra cash, you heard that George Lucas was looking for stunt doubles to stand in for R2D2 and 3CPO for his next installment of Star Wars.


  • Marilyn

    I think you need to use the child abuse issue to your advantage (sad though that is). The elders didn't act on your envolvement with the child abuse issue because they are very afraid of bad/any publicity on this subject. So they waited until they could get you on an official JW crime - celebrating Christmas.

    OK, purposely ignore the Christmas thing and phone them up and tell them that you have contacted the media and they are VERY interested in doing a story on you and your work to expose JWs for their role in covering up sex offenders and child molesters within their ranks. Tell them that if they pursue a JC in your case that they will be playing right into the hands of the media who is keen to expose this shameful problem within Jehovah's Witnesses. Tell them their disfellowshipping you will come across in the media as a blatant attempt to cover up their guilt.

    I should think this aspect will frighten them more than any other you present. It doesn't matter if its true or not. Whatever it takes eh??

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