An elder and perhaps his wife came to see me today at work.
They were very nice and not hyper about getting me to attend the meetings with them.
I told them I used to be a JW but that it was years ago (5 but I didn't say that) and that now I have a spiritual path that suits me perfectly (Wicca, but I didn't say that, either).
They didn't ask if I'd been punished or anything. Maybe the other guy told them I said I wasn't df'd.
I graciously thanked them for coming in to see me but to please take me off their list.
Here's where maybe I made a mistake. Don't know: He asked for my last name after getting my first.
I gave it to him but held it in my hand until my condition of it not being spread around was verbally assured.
He assured me it wouldn't go out to anyone anywhere.
He gave me his name and number if sometime in the future I'd like to get into contact with them and start going, again.
I thanked them both and we said nice good byes.
I crumpled up the paper with his information on it and threw it in the garbage can.
Yes, personal boundaries are violated from babyhood to the grave in JW land.
It was one of my main weaknesses. I didn't know about personal questions being too personal or timing them right or anything like that, especially being raised by...well, who raised me (Sphere knows).
It's taken trial and error and really listening to my inner red alarm to know what's too much to ask someone.
Me? A good friend can ask me anything, with the right motive, of course.
I'm learning how to not reveal too much about me to the wrong people.
I'm one of those who is an open book and has no agenda so foolishly ass-u-me-s that no one else does, either.
Sometimes, it's prudent to keep that blasted book shut! LOL!