<----------whispering to Seeker & Safe...you think we should maybe let refiners and TR have a little "alone" time??
What qualities do men look for in a woman?
by WildHorses 98 Replies latest social relationships
and it helps if she's a bit of a freak in bed. You know... willing to try new things. Uninhibited. After all, it's just me and her.
refiners fire
Yeah, if I was a woman, TR could HAVE me.
(watch him shrivle up with homophobia now)By the way, congratulation in advance on making Jedi.(I sent you a congratulatory email, but I dont think it got thru.)
Thank you refiners
hhhmmm did you send it to the right addy??? should have gone thru..if you like you can try my yahoo [email protected]
[email protected] here I was gonna suggest a Xena-Seeker-Dana sandwhich!
Naw safe...wouldn't work..in my hairless state..with my body silky soft from the oil I use on it..well Seeker would just s l i d e right off me, huh Seeker
teejay you just want it all and a bag of chips huh?? honesty what the heck is that about anyway????
finding a woman who can actually drive is always a bonus!
finding a man who will ask for directions
Yes, a bag of chips would be nice. Ruffles. Bar-b-que flavor.
--------------------------Seeker (while I'm still here),
I really liked your initial post to this thread. It got me to thinking that what appeals to men probably also appeals to women.
I also found a great deal of truth in what you said about women's "sense of humor." They one and all place a high value on the man who can make *them* laugh, but how clever are THEY in making their man laugh?
Very good.. what you said. In my life I've probably known two women who with their wit and intellect could make me laugh almost at will. It is a rare quality in women but something that men work at.
hhhmmm teejay I have found the opposite to be true...I tend to rarely find men who make me laugh...lol but I crack myself up....