What qualities do men look for in a woman?

by WildHorses 98 Replies latest social relationships

  • Seeker
    You come with a money back guarantee Seeker?

    Yup, Xena, if I don't make you laugh, you won't have to pay me...

  • Xena



    so what do I owe you???

  • gilwarrior

    This what I am looking for in a woman:

    1. Someone who is smart, but uses her intelligence for good not evil. (ex. lieing, manipulation)

    2. Someone will listen to me.

    3. Someone who wants a family.

    4. Someone who I am physically attractive to.

    5. Someone who is a little crazy, but not too crazy.

    6. Someone who will open themselves up to me and is not afraid to show their feelings.

    7. Someonw who will love me no matter what!

  • joelbear

    Deep Voice

    Hairy Chest

    Nicely shaped beard or goatee

    Barrel chested build

    mmmmm, oh what, what was the question?

  • hillary_step

    1) Able to handle their drink.

    2) Able to hand me my drink.

  • hillary_step


    Have you seen Ukranian women? Could take care of all your problems with one swoop.


  • ashitaka

    Someone mentioned intelligence early on. My wife is more intelligent than me, but I'm a lot more street saavy than she is. It all works out in the end. We've had a great life. I love living with someone who knows her stuff.

    BTW, she's HOT and earns a nice paycheck, too. OH, and you guys can't have her.

    NA, NA, NAnny, BOO BOO.


  • Seeker

    I've noticed the trend for the guys in this thread to want intelligent women. I'll bet there is more of that among ex-JW men than among the general male population. After all, the average guy in street is of average intelligence (if that) and may not even want a smart wife. Ah, but the ex-JW types, we value intelligence! We were fooled in life once, and now we want to learn voraciously, and we learn to admire deep thinking, and thus want smart women.

    We're also obsessesd with sex, but fortunately so are ex-JW women...

  • gravedancer

    Add some visuals to this...

    As we have all noted these "qualities" how about showing a celebrity who matches your qualities you noted?

    I think Helen Hunt fits what I listed. I like her demeanour and her intelligence comes through easily and confidently.

  • JanH


    I've noticed the trend for the guys in this thread to want intelligent women.

    But what man would admit wanting dumb women? How many (men or women) perceive themselves as unintelligent?

    I sometimes wish I wanted dumb women

    What is a turn off isn't so much lack of intelligence or ignorance as the lack of curiousity about the world. It is not necessarily pure stupidity that makes women (or men, for that matter) ignorant. It is those who select to only fill their minds with mind-numbing entertainment that gets to me in the worst way. Since I am not attracted to such people as friends (what should we talk about?) I am not attracted to such women as lovers.

    - Jan
    The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.

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