April 15th WT - WT Society says " Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God "

by flipper 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Now for pg. 2.

    METATRON- Good points from Thessalonians- the WT society DOES set itself up over anything and everybody else- calling themselves " God " essentially and use power & control like they ARE God. And your link about Hitler is not far off, pretty accurate in describing the 3rd Reich WT society.

    SKEETER 1- Exactly. The WT society takes cult mind control right out of the cult handbook indeed. Convincing the JW's they are sent from God, then commanding Witnesses to cooperate & obey. Yep, pretty cultish.

    DESIROUS of CHANGE- That's the thing - what you bring out. Good point. Millions now living HAVE followed and obeyed the WT society right up until the day they die ! What wasted lives ! Rutherford lied to ALL of the Witnesses. " Millions now living " that paradise was promised to in 1925 are all now DEAD ! It's really sad and ignorant.

    REOPENED MIND- I agree with you. WHAT evidence ? The WT society has changed the " generation " teaching so much anymore- that a typical JW can't REALLY explain WHICH " generation " teaching he or she believes in ! I could say I'm Jesus, John Lennon, or Paul McCartney - but it doesn't make it so ! Same with the WT society. They CLAIM to be God's representative - Because THEY say so.

    PUNK of NICE- Very true. I like your picture of the GB on the Watchtower . The words you use are quite accurate really. It's the way things are. If rank & file JW's don't go along with the understood current alleged " new light " - then they are viewed as disloyal no matter how many years they were faithful JW's. Yet- the GB is untouchable. Because they ( and bethel attorneys & legal department ) make all the rules. He who makes the rules, doesn't have to follow them.

    DESIGNS- Yes, WT society definitely doesn't hide their arrogance.

    ROBDAR- Yes, same $hit, different day- very true. It's just that the $hit is piling up much higher now and creating more of a stench ! LOL !

    DING- I think the term " some authority " was used as a mock or pretend humility ploy on the WT society's part to make JW's FEEL that the society is humbly under Jehovah. You are right though- the leaders of the WT society exercise ULTIMATE authority over aLL JW's . If we don't believe that- just observe how demanding the new elders manual was this last fall ! EVERY subject in that book dealt with Judicial Committees or DFing offenses. Hardly ANYTHING in there about love, peace, & brotherhood. It was all about who torat out and HOW to do it. Incredible.

    KEYSER SOZE - Yes indeed, small technicality that the GB use saying they aren't " inspired " by holy spirit- just " directed " by it , giving them the old excuse- oh well we are imperfect , so was Moses and God used HIM ! They don't allow rank & file JW's to use the " I'm imperfect " excuse though.

    JAMES WOODS- Very true. The false modesty shown by this expression " some authority " is truly an attempt to dupe the JW masses into thinking the GB really relies on Jehovah.

    MARY- Very true. We were all blamed for the 1975 fiasco as being too anxious , or expectations too high. The WT society has an uncanny way of diverting blame to it's followers constantly.

    SALTYOLDLADY- You bring upsome excellent points ! The WT society has definitely placed THEMSELVES in the mediator role of Jesus as no real JW can expect salvation unless they go through the WT society ! Like you state, you & I could declare WE are a " faithful slave " and go off and start our own cult ! People make millions $$$$ doing stuff like that ! Scientology, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses . But the control over the members is the scary part. If leaders of these cults say to jump- many members don't even question the orders- they just ask " how far " ? Very dangerous control & power over other human beings.

    LONG HAIR GAL- I agree with you. It's so weird that these WT leaders can just blatantly claim to represent God himself. AS I said before- aNY of us could go out and say the same thing and probably get a good following going after us in the hundreds i not thousands. But who NEEDS that ? Only self serving, pompous, arrogant powermongers who wish to profit off of people's insecurities about the future. Just like the WT leaders. Not for me either, no thanks.

    NANCY DREW- I worry about what you state as well. What WILL happen when the WT society sees their end game going down and members exiting the sinking ship like rats ? I feel they will just leave typical JW's in the lurch - the WT leaders may just disappear or dissolve in some criminal investigation of money extortion or something like that. It's going to be interesting. I have big concerns because I still have many fmilymembers in the cult.

    JWGONEBAD- Exactly. Families are being torn apart by the WT society, they can't make their mind up as to WHAT a generation is - I mean there is NO evidence that God is backing this organization ! None at all

    I'll come back and finish answering pg. 3 in a little while. Thanks again.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thank you so much for posting this. When I listened to it was so angry and mad I wanted to yank out the CD and smash it. You did such a great job ofcovering all the stupid points in that WT. I just cannot understand how anyone who is a JW can read that and still want to stay. It says cult all over it.

    I so wish my husband would wake up.

    Thank again for your great post.


  • WontLeave

    the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave. - w10/1/1994

    For YOUR own sakes, hold off from the earthling man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for on what basis is he himself to be taken into account? - Isa 2:22

    the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah’s visible organization in mind. - w10/1/1967

    Every saying of God is refined. He is a shield to those taking refuge in him. Add nothing to his words, that he may not reprove you, and that you may not have to be proved a liar. - Pro 30:5-6

    It has required meekness, in our “carefully examining” God’s Word with the aid of that ‘slave’s’ publications, in order to fortify our faith. - w8/15/1981

    To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh. - Ecc 11:12

    Without the assistance of “the faithful and discreet slave,” we would neither understand the full import of what we read in God’s Word nor know how to apply it. - w10/15/2010

    It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction – Acts 1:7

    All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. - 2Tim 3:16-17

    Be alert, therefore. Perhaps the light that is in you is darkness. - Luke 11:35

    I'm wondering if some people in the writing department are pushing the hard line to wake up the members. The current GB are obviously so arrogant, they approve things like this for print without batting an eyelash. The Society higher-ups are so convinced of their own proxy-Christ propaganda that the exposés are flying under their radar. They have blinded their own minds with their lust for power and authority.

    Just like nobody left to their own devices - without substancial outside influence from a church - would ever read the Bible and come away with the Trinity, nobody would ever come away with a "governing body" either. This invention with passages from Acts stapled to it as "proof" is only seen by the people who claim to be that same authority group. Then, the brain-dead, brain-washed JWs follow suit without ever bothering to read the account. They don't understand what actually happened is the congregation of Jerusalem was the source of error so Paul went to confront them. Judea is the area surrounding that city, but most JWs don't realize Acts isn't referring to 2 separate places.

    It's quite clear in the text that Jerusalem was the source of the circumcision doctrine that was spreading: "Pharisees that had believed rose up from their seats and said: 'It is necessary to circumcise them'" - Acts 15:5

    Paul went to straighten them out, not seek their insight: "Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God" - Acts 15:19

  • wobble

    This sickening blasphemous stuff is eactly what made me walk awy in early 2008. I was convinced that the GB/FDS were the "disgusting thing, standing where it ought not ". (Mark 13v14)

    I have moved on beyond all the nonsense now of course, but could any JW apologist say I was wrong in my 2008 assesment ?

    If I was a Bible believer I would say the above was a prophecy fulfilled, in the 20th and 21st centuries, by the Governing Body of the WT/JW's.

  • punkofnice
  • sunglasses

    sounds like they are encouraging idol worship - apostates!!!

  • tresdecu

    Good Thread! I can't believe I used to be in awe of the GB....this crap just flew over my head. I was one of the drones. Damn.

    At least I am mentally free now. I hope more of our 'brothers' wake up.

    PS Flipper...I love how you respond to each post, What a guy!

    Peace Out


  • flipper

    SCARY 21- It could be that a person in the writing department snuck that in there to make the GB SEEM humble. I do remember the Percy guy you mention that was in Ray's book. That was a fascinating experience about him how he put the faithful slave = Jehovah. So he was even having doubts way back when. Good points.

    MISERYLOVESELDERS - Yeah, I think you hit one of the nails on the head. I don't think it's too much " Alex Jones " or " conspiracy theory " to suspect their may be one or more rogue, undercover apostates in Bethel working hard to have an effect on the articles coming out in the Watchtower. The GB never proofreads this stuff anyway- so yes, this might be going on. Not too farfetched at all ! Hope you get some rest though. Don't burn yourself out. Take care.

    MOSHE- Very funny ! LOL ! I think the WT society is messing with ALL JW's " spiritual sphincter " muscles !

    RETROVIRUS- I believe the latest is that the GB really thinks they are MORE spirit anointed than the worldwide association of OTHER anointed because the GB claims to be the ONLY ones " spirit anointed " to provide the alleged " new light ". The OTHER worldwide anointed have absolutely ZERO contribution to the WT articles printed. This is a changed view which came out a couple years ago in a Study article. It used to be the GB claimed that they got opinions and input from the anointed around the world. but come to find out- it was ALL a crock of $hit. They nEVER did that. It's been the 12 ( correction now 7 old farts in Bethel all along putting the info out. ) AND the Writing Commitee. Deceptions a real Bitch isn't it ?

    TOTALLY ADD- Good point you make. Exactly what I was just mentioning to Retrovirus. The GB really actually dismisses the worldwide anointed across the rest of the planet. ONLY the GB is the alleged " faithful slave " - not the worldwide anointed. And you are so correct in that these other worldwide anointed are treated EXACTLY like the " great crowd " or those with the earthly hope. It's really just like a dictatorship actually. Or like a corporation or business- only the owners have supreme control and power. Sick.

    VILLABOLO- Exactly. The WT society only has THEIR OWN documentation to verify they allegedly have the right to represent Jesus or God. And yes, you're right- I know they were doing this same stuff back in the 1970's - however- the screw of control & power has been amped up quite a bit more here in 2011 because the WT society is desperate in keeping their end game going and maintaining members. They are losing people in droves.

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT- Thanks. It makes me angry as well that the WT society and GB has such a dominant control over JW's lives. They can't see it due to the mind control- very true. I hope your husband gets out in time as well ! Perhaps we'll work on him this summer ! LOL !

    WONTLEAVE- The GB has " blinded their own minds with their lust for power and authority " . No truer words have ever been spoken. You have THAT right for sure ! As I mentioned to Miseryloveselders- I agree- I think there ARE rogue undercover guys back in Bethel trying to effect the information being printed. If there are multiple moles in Bethel - they will be having LOTS of leaks in their ship and JW's will exit more plentifully. One can only hope.

    WOBBLE- I don't know if the WT society or GB is the " disgusting thing " mentioned in the Bible- but I do agree- they certainly ARE disgusting ! Aren't you glad we got out ?

    PUNKOFNICE- Thanks for the you-tube. Cool.

    SUNGLASSES- The WT society & GB DO believe in idol worship- themselves ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Joliette


    I'm just smh...until people start to really read things and to start listening instead of hearing, they'll continue to be brainwashed by the towers.

    The way they equate themselves to God is just beyond sicken!

  • flipper

    JOLIETTE- Very true. Most JW's sit there at Kingdom Halls being mind controlled without using their minds like you say. They just accept that the GB is the " faithful slave " because they SAY they are. Very gullible. Easily taken advantage of. I agree, it is sickening

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