I Do Believe in Armageddon!

by Was New Boy 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Not the same one that the Jehovah Witnesses believe in. None the less major Earth changes leading up to 2012.

    Events where 80%+ of the earth's population is going away!

    I was asked just "what have I been doing the last 2 years." I have been reading dozens of books and spending 100's of hours on the internet. The conclusion?

    That everything that is happening in the world today is leading us up to a major catastrophe. The proof?

    Egar Cayce talkled about an axis shift.

    Gordon Michael Scallion's book and "The furtue map of the Earth"

    Terence McKennia's study of the "Time wave" and how the "I ching" an the "Mayan calendar" fit together perfectly!

    The three "Zeitgeist" movies.

    "The Georgia Guide Stones"

    "The Trends Research Institute" (like many others) that talk about the total break down of the US economy!

    Alex Jones, Linsey Williams, and hundreds of others all saying the same thing! That a world iof hurt is coming our way.

    And I hate to say it but yes even the book of Revelation.

    Yes the Witnesses have so many things wrong.....but maybe this isn't going to be one of them.

    The biggest difference however is...they won't be the only ones standing on the other side when the smoke clears!

    What can you do? Two things.... buy as much gold and silver as you can. And move way from any coast lines!

    Namaste Was New Boy

  • punkofnice

    For me at least, this is where ignorance is bliss!

  • TheClarinetist
  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Your so right "Penn & Teller"....have the REAL inside track on what is happening in the world. I guess If I was super rich and living in Vas Vegas I would want to stick my head in the sand and not want the world to change too. ....notice I didn't say "world to end"....the world is not going to end....just most of the people on it.

  • Finally-Free
    buy as much gold and silver as you can.

    Why? In the event of a disaster I'd rather have plenty of food, clean water, and medical supplies on hand.


  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Why Gold and silver? .........well when your paper money is toilet paper, which could happen any day.

    What are you going to use to buy your "plenty of food, clean water, and medical supplies with?

    Plus who knows there maybe something you might want to buy/trade for aferwards.

  • nicolaou

    RIDICULOUS - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ridiculous

    causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable: a ridiculous plan.

    nonsensical, ludicrous, funny, droll, comical, farcical.

    You sir, are ridiculous.

  • james_woods
    I was asked just "what have I been doing the last 2 years." I have been reading dozens of books and spending 100's of hours on the internet. The conclusion?

    The conclusion is obvious.

    Check back at the end of 2012.

  • Jomavrick

    Yes and I think you were perhaps missing a reference to the scholarly work of Michael Moore? If you feel compelled to build and live in an underground bunker for the next 20 years, I have no problem with that. Let the rest of the normal people who didnt take the Movie "Armaggedon" as being real, live in peace.

    You got it James Woods. Talk to you at the end of 2012.

  • Finally-Free
    What are you going to use to buy your "plenty of food, clean water, and medical supplies with?

    In the sort of disaster you're talking about food and clean water would be in short supply. No one in their right mind would be selling it. Your precious gold and silver would be more worthless than paper money. At least with paper money, as you correctly pointed out, a person could at least wipe his ass. Try doing that with a gold bar.


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