I Do Believe in Armageddon!

by Was New Boy 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Botzwana

    I ain't got the money...I got six dollars in my pocket. Gracias economy!

  • Finally-Free
    the only thing you need is a weapon, so you can call on all those food hoarders.

    We food hoarders have our weapons too. That way if we run of food out we can hunt and eat our neighbours.


  • Alfred

    2012 can't be right... the WT is planning a big event on October 2, 2014 (to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Christ's reign).

  • mrquik

    Thanks for the date. Makes me want to get closer to God. Maybe I should join an organization. Yeah, one that believes that the end could come at any time. Perhaps one that includes me warning my neighbors... that would be good. I could also go to their meetings ..... often. I mean who would dare miss out on some important information..... probably from God himself. I certainly would want to support such an organization financially of course. I mean, after all, I certainly will not need money. If only someone could recommend one for me.........

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Sorry Hofer and The Clarinetist....no guns... remember no "Road Warriors." It will be a 1,000 years of "peace" lol

    Good job Staight-shooter....that's what I'm talking about. Get you and your families ready.

    Alfred....We all know the "society" will never be around by 2014....they like all the other churches are going away.

    Mr Quik...very funny. Why is it that people always what to join something?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Boy, are you going to be disappointed -- again.

    Got plans foor 2013?

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Botzwana only 6 buck? well buy a six pack and go to Nathan's house and watch it all on CNN!

  • WTWizard

    Trouble is, the politicians are not going to stop wasting our money. And those behind the scenes (and wishing to stay there, even denouncing those who report what is really going on as "lunatics") are busy manipulating presidents and central banks into destroying countries. We are already seeing proof that this is starting to happen--look at Greece in 2010, and other European countries. Look at what happened in the United Tyranny of America during the past few years.

    What happened since 2008 is enough. You get oil prices going to $140 a barrel, and they blame speculators. Now, speculators can and do drive already hign prices higher. But, how did they get that high in the first place? And most of those speculators got punished when they took a bath--most speculators end up taking a bath. Then, look at the stock market--every time you get a nice little drop, it "manages" a rally at 3 PM or so. Every time it drops toward a "key support" and busts through, the Fed goes and buys it with my tax dollars. They print money to do this, diluting the value of every single dollar you have in your savings account. This means that, even if the market goes up, you can still take a bath. And QE2 was, for me, the final nail in their coffin.

    All the while, they are adding poisons to your water. Monosodium glutamate and aspartame in your food, often disguised so you won't find it, ruin your brain. Fluoride in the water dulls your thinking--I think my beginning to see just how serious the regulations and hyperinflation are going to be coincides nicely with getting a fluoride filter on my water (with the typical lag, since the damage doesn't instantly resolve). They are talking of lowering the dose of fluoride from 1 ppm to 0.7 ppm--I doubt it will be implemented. This is really to get the people to accept the enslavement. And, they are seriously going for the Internet Kill Switch--if Congress won't do it, President Osama Obama (whom the Rothschilds put in office behind our backs) will use the FCC to do it.

    How long this can go on before it all blows up in our faces is up for debate. But the Rothschilds know when, and they are not telling us. They are ready for riots. They know that a certain number of people will rebel, and they are ready to incarcerate or slaughter all those who know what is going on and are willing to do anything to prevent it. And, even if they don't, the fake energy crisis, food shortages (such as S-510 and S-3767, which got slipped in other bills), and a dollar that is toilet paper (and, with their "Everything is fine", no one is going to rush into gold and silver), people will simply be unable to do otherwise. People will then be desperate for a solution--which, of course, will be mass human enslavement.

    What I do not see is a paradise earth. I also don't see the average human living forever. People will not build their own homes and have occupancy. People will not grow their own food and do the eating. Instead, we will have work--everyone doing what they most hate doing all the time under threat of being slaughtered, and getting just enough to live to work another day until they are too old to function or refuse to. Then they are retired--to the slaughter house. For sure, nothing like what the witlesses paint as paradise.

  • villabolo

    J. Hofer:

    gold? silver? food?

    the only thing you need is a weapon, so you can call on all those food hoarders.

    I have firearms to protect myself against people like you.


  • villabolo

    Was New Boy: "What can you do? Two things.... buy as much gold and silver as you can. And move way from any coast lines!"

    X X X X X

    Why Gold and silver? .........well when your paper money is toilet paper, which could happen any day.

    What are you going to use to buy your "plenty of food, clean water, and medical supplies with?

    Plus who knows there maybe something you might want to buy/trade for aferwards.

    I won't worry about the coast lines until around 2050 or so.

    As far as gold and silver are concerned, they would only be useful for a minimal and temporary disaster. For realistic, major and persistent disasters, your gold and silver are going to be as worthless as paper currency.

    As far as how people are going to buy their food, clean water and medical supplies with, you're really naive to think that such things will be up for sale. Actual use items, not items with symbolic monetary value, will be the only things that could be used in trade. Expect to pay an exorbitant price in whatever you're trading for. Bottom line, you stockpile those things. If you're going to get anything to trade with, I suggest several thousand rounds of ammunition kept in sealed ammo cans at room temperature consistently.


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