Am I the only one who felt sorry for adam and eve?

by Joliette 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Adam and Eve never were held by a mother, cuddled and sung to with lullabyes nor nursed and coddled with tenderness and familial embrace.

    They never learned to toddle surrounded by brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles and grandparents cheering them on.

    Adam and Eve were never in a neighborhood with other kids forming friendship bonds for life and exchanging dreams and hopes for a future they were building in their community.

    Adam and Eve didn't learn nursery rhymes or sit in their Daddy's lap and read bedtime stories or get tucked in and kissed goodnight.

    Adam woke up naked and stranded among animals with no companion and only invisible voices directing him.

    Like a blind man in social darkness completely deprived of human touch.

    He did not grow up among little girls or lovely teens or older women in a natural life cycle of beauty and age.

    He never saw his Mommy kiss his Daddy.

    What love might mean between people was never modeled in front of his eyes.

    He did not select a choice of mates among many nor enjoy the attention of those vying for his notice.

    Adam was surgically anesthetized and his own body rummaged for spare parts.

    He awoke to the only human he'd ever seen: Eve.

    What being a man or women was as infant, toddler, teen, young adult and such was a darkness of nothing to their experience.

    They were strangers.

    How is this being HUMAN at all?

    Is it any wonder their first and most important choices were dysfunctional?

    I mean: really?

  • unshackled

    I felt sorry for Jezebel...she was hot.

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I was never angry with them. If not them, it would have been someone else down the road.

    I'm not totally convinced though that Adam & Eve were one man and one woman. Isn't it possible that people already existed? They might have been the first people to have a conscience, not reacting instinctively, but think about things, knowing right from wrong.

    When my mom was still a witness I remember telling her that I would love to meet Adam & Eve. She told me that they wouldn't be resurrected. I don't believe that.

    Watchtower 2001 7/1 pg 9 Adam and Eve grew old and eventually died with no hope of a resurrection.

    The first animal sacrifice is mentioned at Genesis 3:21.

    Genesis 3:21 (New International Version, ©2011)

    21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

  • factfinder

    Being perfect does not mean you cannot make the wrong choice.

  • james_woods
    I felt to have had this beautiful woman who was your soul mate and be presented with a problem that whatever you did you would lose her was very sad.

    Just as a side point: I always wondered why the Watchtower is so insistent that "Eve" was "beautiful". You could make that assumption, I guess, to add to the mythology - but is this part of the written account in the bible? She could very well have been about 175 lbs. with a face like a mud pie; Adam had never seen a woman before.

  • PSacramento

    Adam and Eve CAN be viewed as "individuals" or the story CAN be taken as symbolic of human kind, represented by Adam ( meaning Man) and Eve.

    The moral of the story is that Humanity had the opportunity to have it all with God, but choose to NOT have it because THEY wanted and believed they could have it all without God and be God ( or like him enough that he was not needed).

    It didn't work out that way for them, and sice we continue to do just that, things aren't working out the way they could for Us either.

    Of course it is just a story so you can choose to believe it ( the moral) or believe it ( the story) or beleive NONE of it.

    Free will is assume, isn't it?

  • tec

    I was never angry at them. I never even understood the anger people show toward them. Talk about kettle vs. pot. We all do the same and worse than Adam and Eve did, and many times over. We all allow ourselves to be misled, according to something that we want on that path. We all have sought at some point in our lives to cast the blame elsewhere, rather than take it on ourselves to save another person. At the same time, I think we also learn from those lessons, and the feelings they inspire on us.

    And maybe that's the whole point.

    We're all like Adam and Eve. If we can accept that weakness, be willing to humble ourselves and try to learn and also be better - instead of blaming God or someone else - then maybe we actually can learn how to love and how to live, without all the personal pride and arrogance and desires that continue to hurt us and others.


  • Terry

    How can this be true?

    Being perfect does not mean you cannot make the wrong choice.

    What is a human being but a choice making intelligence?

    What would you think of the designer of a light switch that could "decide" whether or not to turn on when you flip it?

    What would be the point?

    Is there some superiority in coaxing the light switch to come on of its own Free Will?


    If Almighty God desired a behavior out of his created humanity it was either in His power to do so or it was not.

    Here is where the Free Will gone awry argument goes wrong. Creating a person with the strongest possible desire to possess knowledge and then denying them access to it is what this is all about.

    The alternative is NOT what has been frequently argued. Robots. Mindless automatons.

    Quite the contrary.

    Humans created with an internal guidance system is the alternative. This guidance system would not require OUTSIDE knowledge which could be tampered with by misrepresentation (as in: Deceit.)

    The Free Will choices would allow a wide range of individual tastes preferences without ever becoming a life-threatening choice based on misinformation, propaganda or willfully misleading disinformation.

  • designs

    If you don't have a bellybutton to play with see what happens

  • VIII

    I always thought A) they couldn't be perfect since they got hoodwinked by the Devil and B) why was the Devil there in the first place?

    So, my *logic* ran along the line of they were like the Forrest Gumps of the GE. Not the brightest bulbs if Eve was willing to talk to a snake.

    My next thought was how could anyone believe that all of humanity was from these two dimrods?

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