Higher Education June 15th Watchtower 2011

by jwfacts 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    This is priceless.

    "Higher education: Jesus warned against ‘seeking your own glory.’ (John 7:18) Whatever you decide as to how much secular education you will obtain, have you ‘made sure of the more important things’?—Phil. 1:9,10.

    Grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life. He said: “Taking seriously the advice of the elders, I simplified my life. I realized that I did not need to further my secular education. That would only rob me of time and energy.” Grzegorz gotmore involved in congregation activities. In time, he graduated from what is now called the Bible School for Single Brothers. Yes, he ‘bought out the time’ to further his divine education.—Eph. 5:16." w11 06/15-E p.31

    I love the comment that Grzegorz was better off with the education he received from the Bible School for Single Brothers. Telling people you passed on a University for a far diviner graduation from the Bible School for Single Brothers is a guaranteed way of remaining single.

  • jwfacts

    Here are a couple more comments from the same Watchtower regarding higher education:


    • If you have a means of supporting yourself, do you really need to spend time, money, and effort on further education?
    • To support yourself, is it really necessary to have a college or a university degree
    • What would be the effect on your meeting attendance?
    • Have you ‘made sure of the more important things’?
    • Do you need to strengthen your confidence in Jehovah’s ability to provide for you?

    w11 06/15-E p.31

    And there is more.

    "But there is danger in encouraging them to take up a life style centered on education and financial security instead of true worship.... Plans for a life that subordinates spirituality to worldly goals can snuff out a young person’s desire to serve God." Watchtower 2011 Jun 15 p.6

  • serenitynow!

    Bible School for Single Brothers

    They call it that? And with the degree you get from such an esteemed school, what career are you able to enter? I agree, if that's the only thing on a brother's resume, he is apt to stay single a long time.

  • baltar447

    lol, the longer I dodge meetings, the sillier this stuff sounds.

  • poopsiecakes

    Are there any other religions out there who actively tell their followers to NOT educate themselves? Because god hates that?

  • factfinder

    So what benifits did he get from attending the Bible School for single brothers? Did it help him get a job?

  • Atlantis
  • cyberjesus

    "Higher education: Jesus warned against ‘seeking your own glory.’ (John 7:18) Whatever you decide as to how much secular education you will obtain, have you ‘made sure of the more important things’?—Phil. 1:9,10.

    (F the Watchtower, in Jesus' Time there was no higher education, the only higher education there was, was being able to read.... Education didnt create glory... only the people with some sort of glory had the chance to get an education. F Jesus whats wrong with seeking glory? your own glory? feeling happy about yourself, other people being proud of you? F John he didnt write those things, there is no evidnce Jesus said those things nor that John ever wrote those things.. F the WT trying to influence people about their education and why to limit it because its not important, F the WT for trying to create ignorant irrational human beings. lets not talk about Paul and the Philipians who according to sources were very poor...

    Grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life. He said: “Taking seriously the advice of the elders, I simplified my life. I realized that I did not need to further my secular education. That would only rob me of time and energy.” Grzegorz gotmore involved in congregation activities. In time, he graduated from what is now called the Bible School for Single Brothers. Yes, he ‘bought out the time’ to further his divine education.—Eph. 5:16." w11 06/15-E p.31

    Well Grzegors is an idiot, a computer programmer makes at least $60k a year how can you take the window-washer-carpet-cleaner-elders seriously... they have simple lifes because they cant afford anything else... you realized you didnt need to further your education? who told you that? the elders? thats because you already have an education you moron, they dont want you to get even more educated because more likely you will make even more money. they suggested a simple life because they dont know any better, watch it they might even suggest you to leave your job get a part time job cleaning carpets that will give you your time and energy because using your brain energy will slow you down in the energy needed to walk door-to-emptyhouses-door talking to the few people who will listen only due to pitty and promoting the magazine that noone reads not even you Grzegorz...

    So you graduated from Bible school for single brothers? and what exactly did you learn? how to sell more magazines and how to brain wash other to not go to school give up their jobs and sell more magazines? you bought out the time to further your divine education? well let me break it for you Grzegorz there was no Divine intervention there, God had nothing to do with any knowledge transmission there, God did not teach nothing and you didnt learn anything that you already knew.

    God damn.. Sorry but in 2 paragraps they pack sooo much Sh!t than a bucket of compost.

    and f this text formatting system cuz I cant get my formating right.... Sorry I am in Fing mode :-)

  • Jadeen

    Wow- love the part about how school would rob him of "time and energy", so he gets more involved in the congo. Hahahaha!

    Hmm, go to school to get a good job or work hard for free at the Hall? Who writes this shit?

  • man in black
    man in black

    Bible school for single brothers.

    This sounds like a SNL skit !

    Yortuk Festrunk: Oh, Georg my brother, there will certainly be a lot of swinging after the single brother- bible study school tonight !

    Georg Festrunk: [ laughing and swinging ] Hold it! Let's catch some new order- paradise rays!

    Yortuk Festrunk: You and what congregation BOE's! [ they both laugh and swing ] Forget about it! [ they swing-motion towards their book bags in the corner ] Ah, that assembly was really something today. It was no difficulty to see many young swinging witnesses trying to enjoy each other a great deal when the elders were not around.

    Georg Festrunk: And here is a thing I will tell you: that two swinging sisters have the hots-on for us, and are coming here tonight to let us hold on to their big theocratic breasts!

    Yortuk Festrunk: [ opening the new youth book ] Why not? There's nothing preventing them. After all, there is no other pair of young naive witness brothers who attended the watchtower Bible school for single brothers who cruise and swing so successfuly in tight polyester slacks

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