Higher Education June 15th Watchtower 2011

by jwfacts 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JRK

    And he got his minor in masturbation.


  • diamondiiz
    graduated from what is now called the Bible School for Single Brothers.
    Do you need to strengthen your confidence in Jehovah’s ability to provide for you?

    WTF! Let this idiot pioneer until manna falls from heaven or starve. God will not provide shit for anyone! If he isn't going to save a person from death or illness he just aint going to provide food for a pioneer - maybe because imaginary beings can't provide real things to delusional group.

  • FollowedMyHeart

    Oh, and thanks, jwfacts, for keeping us up to date and Atlantis, for scanning those pages.

  • yourmomma

    in 2011 its clear that being an average witness is no longer acceptable. you must be a zealot in 2011. when i came in, in 1995 if you were a family head that worked full time, and went to all the meetings, commented, did a talk every month, field service on saturdays, and family study, you were doing great, a fine example. but now that is not acceptable. now you have to be a zealot that fills every second with service to the watchtower.

    in 2011 the watchtower wants to suck your energy and resources dry, anything other than allowing that is displeasing to Jehovah.

    there is a good thing about all this, and that is faithful JW's who have been faithful for years are starting to realize that something is not right. i cant tell you how many JW's I knew from my old congregation have stopped going or just gave up. And im talking about faithful old school people in their 60's.

  • nicolaou

    Is this in the Public or Study edition? Makes you mad but we shouldn't be surprised. Take a look at paragraph 4 in this OKM article from a few years back. It isn't just Higher education that is discouraged, even basic schooling is subordinated in favour of meeting indoctrination attendance.


  • jonathan dough
  • factfinder

    Jehovah's Witnesses have always stressed that nothing should interfere with meeting attendance. It is considered part of your worship of Jehovah.

  • survived75

    So sad. Limited education limits job opportunity. This limits the prospects of ever being able to have a retirement or even being able to afford dental work.

    I've seen it happen to so many and it makes me want to cry for them.

  • Lozhasleft

    What really upsets me about this nowadays is that they are trivialising the fact that God gave us brains and intellect to use, for our personal growth and development, to enrich our lives in more ways than one. They are saying that its of no consequence but rather window washing/door knocking is what God values- just totally ditch the brain capacity for learning and growing as if its of no value at all. Shocking and appalling.

    Loz x

  • factfinder

    I lost out on opportunities for night school and good jobs because I would not miss meetings. Elders kept stressing how important meetings are. Oh, and of course- Armageddon is right around the corner!

    It is sad .

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