Higher Education June 15th Watchtower 2011

by jwfacts 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gayle

    The picture may well be the 3 strong arms of the elders, judicial committee,,holding on to keep the kid from trying to get his homework done, from going to college and having a basic simple kid life.

  • wantarevolution

    after the zone visit, my wife who is slowly waking up (Despite lovebombing in our new hall...) and I were talking. We both agreed that if and when we have children, education is an absolute priority, and also will be our childs choice and no one elses.

    Small steps are sometimes the best :)

  • nugget

    Think of the architects in the past who designed cathedrals for gods glory, lawyers who defended the right to shun former members for gods glory, the doctors who helped witnesses have operations without blood for gods glory.

    Think how much richer the society would be with real scholars researching their publications and real writers writing their material they would use word that don't end in ing such as happyfying. Think how wonderful it would be to have people fully using their god given talents to enrich the lives of themselves and others.

    To insist that higher education is unecessary and to take away choice in the matter is obscene. I am grateful for the teachers, doctors and specialists who work with my son and I to help him reach his potential. Without their higher education we would be in dire straits. Higher education enables people to fufil vocations centred on others in some cases and to suggest that it is pursued only as a means of self gratification is idiotic.

    The society wants to keep people stuck in a daily grind too busy to question why they do what they do. If they have to work hard to earn a living then they will be jealous and judgemental of those that do not. If they are always working, studying and attending meetings and service they wil be too tired to question doctrine.

  • inbetween

    Before I used to think, the downing of higher education is a sincere effort to warn the flock from materialism, and other dangers.

    But now, I think, its really to keep followers stupid, to prevent them from developping self esteem, that in turn would allow them to question their leaders.

    Once I discussed with a friend some doctrines, his reply, "the man on the GB must be really smart, they know whats best for us"

    Thats how they like us to think of them, somebody with higher education might question this.

    I often wonder though, how some smart JW who actually have higher education, can swallow some nonsense they produce...

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    "Grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life. He said:"

    I thought to be a "computer programmer" you would have already done "higher education"

    When I was a pioneer there was a brother who went on to higher education and he missed alot of meetings and was viewed as weak. However once he finished his education he went to bethel, because of his computer skills I understand. He now has a good job and family and serves as an elder.

    Another brother I spoke to very recently who didn't do any higher education but joined another brother in doing a very basic manual job self employed. Expressed his disappointment now he is nearing 50 with aching joints and not much financially for his hard work that the end hasn't come yet. He also told me how well he had done at school and could have done something else. He has never been made an Elder and has been removed as a MS.

    It seems those who listen to the organization do rather poorly.

    It's the same in so many area's. Another couple who married before us some 30 years ago and put off having children because they were so close to the end. Still no "end" and no kids and no house or retirement fund. But lots of faithful service.

    The trouble is with the faithful service that if they are wrong and Christendom is right. Christ won't know them. Whether your the Elder with good job family and vacations every year doing a job you enjoy with a good pension. Or your the pioneer who sacrificed everything, the rewards the same.

  • Alfred

    12 The influence and spirit of this world is to get ahead, to make a name for oneself. Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them “brainwash” you with the Devil’s propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any “future” this world offers is no future! Wisely, then, let God’s Word influence you in selecting a course that will result in your protection and blessing. Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal. This is a life that offers an everlasting future! –Watchtower March 15, 1969 page 171

  • dozy

    I wonder whether the GB , with their air conditioned offices , meals , laundry , health care & accommodation freely provided , regular green handshakes , JW credit card & business travel flights to "zone visits" really have any idea how the average R&F member struggles to provide a living , regardless of their level of education. This concept that people can easily opt into a life of ease and financial security just doesn't exist. For some , particularly in 3rd world countries , further education provides the only chance they have to escape a life of poverty.

  • Heaven

    Are there any other religions out there who actively tell their followers to NOT educate themselves?

    Without an education one will remain financially and intellectually poor, and with the WT$ agenda, ignorant of the real truth about them, religion, and human history which contradicts the Bible. When one is poor, one is dependant on others and makes one vulnerable.

    Poor people fulfill an agenda. Mother Teresa is one example of someone who could have brought many up with education and job creation but kept them down by not providing it, all the while, using monies received to further the Catholic agenda in poor, third world countries. When you 'help the poor' the money roles in. With no more poor people, you have no more money.

    It's always about money, and agendas of manipulation, power, and control.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Jesus this is an awful article.

  • streets76

    Have you ‘made sure of the more important things’?

    Yeah, like have you made sure you're not in a goddam cult?

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