Dear Robert

by Mann 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Please, Please my Mann,

    Do get reinstated! You are one of the best examples of the effect the Tower has on people! You may not have noticed that I paid no disrespect to your baby killing god in my question. Your only response was a crude rendition of what Robert would have spewed! you belong,Mann in the flock!! Perhaps even one of the Earnointd along with Bobby!

    mountains of "luck" to ya


  • larc


    It strikes me, that you and Robert are running ahead of the organization. Where in the WT literature does it say that Jehovah is going to clean his temple? I thought that prophecy was fulfilled, circa 1918.

    I think that you should send the text you prepared for us and Robert's ideas to World Headquarters. Be sure to include your location and Kingdom Hall address, so they can arrange a cozy elders meeting for you.

  • terafera

    There are so many sad things that I see in your posts... where can I begin?

    You spew out hateful and bitterness and say 'If you cant respect my God do you really think I give a damn about you?'

    Jehovah is not YOUR God. He created us all... sees us as His children. Do you really think He loves you or any Witness more than any other human?

    You said, b'ut too much holy information to swine's.' .. why are the people here swine? Because they think differently than you? Why call ones here scum? Does it make you feel better? Smarter? More special?

    I used to think like you.... I would hear people voice their doubts about the Society and laugh. 'Sick, twisted worldly people', I would think. It took years to realize that I was the sick and twisted one. I know now that there is good and bad everyone.... not all good in the Hall and all bad in the world. That kind of thinking makes you feel all fuzzy and safe, doesnt it? But the truth is that neither Jehovah nor Jesus thinks in those terms.

    Have you ever thought that maybe some are so hateful or against the Society because they have been done wrong?? Because of pain??
    I dont discredit Jehovah or the Bible.... only the imperfect humans choking me around the neck with it.

    You said thats why Jehovah didnt allow them to stay. 'ALLOW' THEM TO STAY? It's called free choice. You can leave or stay in any organization.... Jehovah allows everyone free choice. Show me one person He has forced to stay in the Organization. It's free will!

    If you feel happier serving God, *ahem*, man, in the Society, so be it. But why call others names? It might appear that you are on the moral high ground, but in reality you have lowered yourself way beyond a place I can reach.

    Peace to you.

    p.s.- You also say,'I'm not reinstated I'll talk any damn way I want.' As if to say that when you're reinstated you will watch how you walk and talk. Isn't that a bit hypocritical??? Shouldnt you live a Christ-like life no matter what??

  • terafera


    Where are elders and
    others when a child shows up black and blue?
    I can answer that question. The elders are telling me I need to study more, not sass my mother and get out in service.
    The others in the congregation are looking the other way, uncomfortably, until my black and blue marks fade... making the abuse I endured a little easier for them to swallow.

  • Mann

    larc are you people stupid or something? LOL what part of I am going back don't you understand.? LOL this is the intelligence you receive after leaving? Stay where you are..

    CarmelYou said: Sounds like you still have one have of the brain cells still in the Witchtower society. (from your first post)

    You came in here and insulted me and expected me to give you a respectful answer? Are you that damn stupid.? Respect is a two way street, if you want it give it, I don't owe your sorry ass a damn thing.

    I wouldn't let them get me angry though as it would lower me to their level of stupidity.

    You already have problem is you are dumb enough not to see it.

    terafera you said: You spew out hateful and bitterness and say 'If you cant respect my God do you really think I give a damn about you?'

    No one here has ever spwed out hateful bitterness towards any one right? I am the first time that has happen in here. Should we pull up all the times you have spewd out hateful and bitterness? Or has you mind gone laps over the weeks and months? Don't start crying like a little bitch now. Like I said, you love to judge other but you can't stand being judged.

    Come correct or don't come at all. Try again

  • larc


    You are good at using Robert's tactic, don't answer a very specific question. attack the questioner. So, where in WT literature does it interprete this prophecy the way that you and Robert interprete it. If it is not there, you are "running ahead of the organization", pure and simple.

  • DakotaRed
    Just how is God going to step in and take care of all those nasty people? Sounds like you still have one have of the brain cells still in the Witchtower society.


    Well Carm, one nice thing about being a free thinker is that I am free to disagree or agree where I choose. I fiemly believe God will step in and set the world straight one day. I have thought that long before I ever talked to a JW. Now, obviously you disagree and that is okay by me. You see, I firmly believe that we each are entitled to our own beliefs and that ultimately, most will not really amount to a hill of beans.

    Just how God will set things straight is up to him. Do I believe in ultimate destruction of all so called non-believers? No, I don't. Do I believe some will be destroyed? Yes, I do, but I don't buy that it will be in the horrific manner described by our current translations of the Bible or as preached by the Watchtower.

    I honestly believe that honest hearted ones, those who show love of fellow man, will be the main ones saved, regardless of religious affiliation. Since God reads hearts, who knows, maybe even a bunch of atheists will be saved also.

    Now, will I be included in the group saved? I certainly hope so, but it really doesn't matter all that much to me. I am who I am and try to treat all others as nice and respectable as I can. I'm not perfect, but I do try. In the end, I get walked on quite a bit, but I'm a big boy and can handle it.

    You see, just because I no longer wish to be affiliated with the JWs doesn't mean that I have to retrain every aspect of my brain. many of my beliefs I had long before I met them and I still have them.

    Just because they are hypocrits doesn't mean they are totally wrong on everything. Every religion I have looked ino has something right. I just see none as having everything right.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • terafera

    I'm sure you use the name calling so I will participate in your little game. It's funny.... the only people that have ever called me a b**** were Jehovah's Witnesses... my mother, a girl in school, and you. Ironic.

    I can see so much anger in you... pray to God for help. The nastiness in you derives from so much abuse and neglect.. spiritual, emotional and mental. Allow God back in your life... dont look to man for LOVE or ACCEPTANCE.

    You do not know me very well. Go click on all my posts and show me one hateful or bitter post. I am an honest person, and post true events or feelings. But I am not hateful or bitter.

    I truly hope the best for you. I hate how so many disfellowshipped ones feel self hatred or that they will be back 'in God's favor' when they are reinstated. God's favor is already yours. You dont have to fight for it.

    Please keep us posted as to how you do. I am wishing the best for you.

  • Mann

    Larc no one said, I read it in the wt that's one of the problems you people. You see things that are not there and you put words in people mouths you twist what's really been said. Read your Bible you idiot. Pure and simple.

    If any of you don't like what I wrote don't come in it was addressed to Robert. What part of Dear Robert don't you understand. Did you just get off the special ed bus? ..I'm not going to waste any more time with you.

    Robert I hope you got the message. Besure to read their words. They have no problem with showing their stupidity.

  • Mann

    Carmel in my rush to judgment I attacked you, I owe you an apology.

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