ballistic You said: Oh shit mann, if this is what follows you around, I'm not suprised you're running back with squelching hoes.
LOL Leave your mama out of this. That ho wasn't squelching. LMAO
by Mann 52 Replies latest jw friends
ballistic You said: Oh shit mann, if this is what follows you around, I'm not suprised you're running back with squelching hoes.
LOL Leave your mama out of this. That ho wasn't squelching. LMAO
Wow, for a professed Christian, you sure have a filthy ass mouth.
I see you did exactly what I asked you not to do, you started flaming insults and profanities. I dont need to point out your hypocrisy, you do it all by yourself.
I see you replied with inquiry and questions, yet you did not address ONE single thing I said.
I fully expect you to retort to this post with more insults and sarcastic remarks. However, I will take the high ground and not lower myself to your childish level.
Some people you just cant reason with. Ive learned this over time. Say what you want about me I really dont care. I wash my hands of it, your acting like a fool and everyone reading here can see it.
The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites. for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!
Spend your time well here mann, you will not be allowed here soon, oh and check out a few porn sites while you're at it, you'll not even be able to think about masterbating soon.
lol that usually happens when someone throws insults at you. But of course you over look anyone that doesn't want to be a jw's. Hypocrite.
Why not tell the truth you couldn't answer the questions. You punked out plain and simple. No need to waste anymore time with you.
If you are truly a follower of Jehovah, you will recognize the following:
Romans 12:1,2: Consequently I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy , accepptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. And quit being fashioned after this sytem of things, but be tranformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
1 Thes. 4:1,2: Finally, brothers, we request you and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, just as you received the instruction from us on how you ought to walk and please God, just as you are in fact walking, that you would keep on doing it more fully. For you know the orders we gave you through the Lord Jesus.
Matt. 5:33,34: Again you heardd that it was said to those of ancient times, 'You must not swear without performing, but you must pay your vows to Jehovah. However I say to you: Do no swear at all, neither by heaven, because it is God's throne.
I sincerely ask your vile mouth and hurtful language something that you think Jehovah would approve of? Just because your addressing "apostates" does not mean you're allowed to address them with such hatred and rudeness. Matthew chapter 5 has a lot to say about how a Christian should treat their enemy.
Matt 5:39: However, I say to you: Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slalps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.
Matt 5:43-: You heard that is was said, 'You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy'. However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you; that you may prove yourselves sons of Your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. For if you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing? You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
1 Pet. 4:8,9: Above all thing, have intese love for one another, because love covers a mutiltude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
If you feel you have a reason to treat apostates differenly, you'll notice that we are instructed to love our enemies. I'm sure you also remember these scriptures:
Deut 32:35
Isa 34:8
Isa 61:2
2 Thes 1:8
You'll notice when reading these scriptures that Jesus and Jehovah are saying it is their vengeance to take care of opposers. It is not anyone elses. Do not feel obligated to those on this board. It is not your right to judge or your position to fight for Jehovah. I'm sure He can handle it quite well without you and Robert.
Andi - truly not a Bible thumping Christobabbler, but trying to use the enemy's ammo against them.
Billygoat are you blind? maybe you better go back and read all the insults that were thrown at me. Why can't you people take it like you dish it out? First you quote the scriptures then play the hypocrite line. Just another Bitch. There we go again start some shit and than blame it on others. I bet if I come back here a year from now you will be here talking that same old shit.
ballistic so you go to porn sites and pull your little dick? LOL Get out and get a woman. A real woman , not one made of plastic or rubber LOL you sick bastard.
I can see there will be no answers to my questions . Next time practic what you preach I am outta here. Peace
Mann, you are going to have a difficult time getting into the org with that attitude. Seeing as you view the world as such a nasty dangerous place, where will you go?
They wont want you and neither do we.
Reread this:
Matt 5:39: However, I say to you: Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slalps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.So what if insults were hurled??? That means you're allowed to do it back??? Don't get me wrong. I'm usually the last one to get involved into a flame war on this board. (Read all my posts, you'll see that I'm a gentle, loving person, and a Christian as well.) But just because someone else does something bad to you doesn't mean it's okay to do it back. Two wrongs don't make a right. Jehovah is looking down at you from you think you're making him proud? IF you are truly sensitive to listening to Jehovah, you'll totally understand the scriptures listed above.
Mr.Mann sounds very familliar,
Are you sure your not my uncle? I used to be the same way, I was so sure I was right. I totally believed the Org. Boy, do I feel stupid now. I now have to live with the guilt of getting others involved in such a manipulating organization. He sounds like every witness I know. We were trained well and dont start a debate because we will always have the last word. I still love to debate but now I speak the truth. If the "light was getting brighter, the truth would get clearer and more apparent, not change. That makes it a lie to begin with. Face it, Weve been had. Please, before you knock on another door insisting you have the "truth", make sure that it is.
P.S. I told my mother, I wish Jesus or Armageddon would just come already So we can once and for all know the truth. Her reply was, "Oh no, I havnt got my hours in" [8>]
Good Grief, I'm slow today!
This "Mann" poster joins up in Feb 1, reads every post, then bollocks us all resoundingly for not being up to scratch and posts this ALSO ON FEB 1?.
Who does he think he is? Bugger Off, gatecrasher!!!
Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque