Dear Robert

by Mann 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Do you hate yourself that much that you have to resort to name calling? I never called you a name but you will find that people with lower intelligence resort to these types of tactics when they can't respond in an intelligent manner. I think you have to learn to love and respect yourself first before you go preaching to others.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • DakotaRed
    The others in the congregation are looking the other way, uncomfortably, until my black and blue marks fade... making the abuse I endured a little easier for them to swallow.

    Tera, I am so sorry to hear this. In my case, it was the exact opposite. Elders were accusing me of abuse when none existed, just emotionally disturbed step kids trying to have things their way. Of course, they are all on mood controlling drugs, as is their Mom and all 3 good upstanding JWs. I am considered the outcast and have probably done more research away from the Watchtower that actually supports some of the Watchtower teachings. Yet, they can't speak to me about spiritual matters? It's all just a big stupid game that I refuse to play anymore.

    As for the abuse, I know well what you mean and it isn't restricted to the dubs. I grew up in the 50s in a Pentecostal church. Many a time I went to school and church with welts all over my back. My Mom liked to yank a switch off of the cherry tree we had in the yard and arfter raking the leaves off of it, go up and down my backside, while I was wearing only shorts. My Dad would be standing in front with his belt and if I shed a tear, I got it across the face. I can well sympathise with you about your parents. All I was ever told was that I needed to mind better. Unfortunately, they never took note that my Mom, especially, enjoyed beating me and my sisters.

    To be falsely accused of abuse today, without anyone actually looking into it and after enduring the childhood I did, is just too much. Even after being cleared numerous times by Childrens Protective Service, who monitored my home real well and actually talked to me, not at me, the elders continued their witch hunt. I wasn't even prmitted to ground a kid without an elder, or his little elderette wife, interfering and telling me that he needed meetings and association with other dubs afterwards.

    Funny thing is, I raised two daughters on my own before becoming a dub myself and both of them are well adjusted and can't understand why the step family or the dubs are the way they are (neither are JW).

    Any way, I am sorry to hear about your situation and if it continues, seek help from someone you can trust. CPS, school officials, etc, provided you are still in school. If you are old enough to leave, then at your earliest convenience, do just that, even if you have to join a group of others renting a small place. My escape was the US Army, but they sent me to Vietnam. Good place to work anger out of my system, though.

    Whatever you do, you do not have to accept abuse!

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Satanus


    Jehovah is truly removing the scum out.
    That is how you started this thread. You called those of us who are out scum. After that you expect everyone to be nicey nicey to you. This must be the last chance for you to spew hate. Once you put on the nice jw smiley face, you'll need to suppress what you feel. Nevertheless, you belong in the pharisaical, judgemental org, that prides itself on being better than anyone else. Jesus hung out w the scum. Pharisees wouldn't, not even eating w such, as the wt commands. Truly, you know your place.


  • terafera

    Umm... forgive me if I"m wrong but....

    You post a public message on a public forum and you call us stupid for reading it??


    I have to admit, I did feel mentally challenged trying to make sense of that thing you called 'a message'...

    It was really just an attempt to blaspheme others and flame up anger...

    Then by putting 'To Robert' on it, you could innocently act like you had a private message for just one person!!


    I'm so naive! I guess your right ... I should only read posts that have my name in the subject heading..

    *hangs head in shame*

  • larc


    You wrote in your first post, "We have all learned in the past how Jehovah would one day clean out his own temple before taking care of the nations."
    Now, I will I will ask you a third time. Did you learn that on your own? Did you learn it from Robert? Did you learn it from the WT literature? Now, if you did not learn it from the WT literature, you are "running ahead of the organization," as is Robert.

    Those insults of yours were mighty Christian of you.

  • terafera

    Thank you so much for your kind words, and your sad story. Fortunately I am an adult now (28) and am married with a child of my own. How I wish I talked to someone like you when I was young!! Anyone that knew of the abuse (which was everyone) turned their heads... only one sister went to the elders and they told her not to involve herself, because it would cause a rift between my mom and her.

    You and I are alot alike.. I still accept some things the Witnesses believe, but that doesnt make me want to be one for a million years. I dont have all the answers, but I feel better equiped to face God at the end knowing I did all I could with a pure heart.. instead of treating others like garbage and proudly calling myself His Witness.

    Right now I am currently a licensed foster parent. I am attending classes on how to take care of abused children. When I was a Witness it wasnt encouraged.. but now I am in the 'world' and able to help hurt ones! Ironic..

    Your story reminded me of someone else I knew. His step-kids were a handful and the brothers did nothing to help.. only to make him feel paranoid and abusive. I am so glad your daughters havent disowned you!
    (I even thought about joining the Army to get out of my house but couldnt bring myself to do it... I'm wasnt very disciplined! Or maybe I was just tired of overbearing authority..)

    All my best to you Red! Email me anytime..

  • You Know
    You Know

    Dear Mann,

    Thanks for your kind words. I am reminded once again of the Bible's exhortation to "put up a hard fight for the faith." You appear to be doing just that. I wish you the best in your struggle to get back to where you want to be in your relationship with Jehovah and his people. I am sure you can be a real strength and comfort to others in your local congregation who may be weak or have doubts when once you are reinstated.

    I appreciate your advice to leave this board. It is always an inner conflict within me. On the one hand, is the continual exposure to the sexual perversity and absolute spiritual degeneracy of the majority of posters. But, on the other hand are the few genuine lost sheep dear to Jehovah, who are looking for answers. It is very hard for me to turn my back and walk away knowing that there might me someone who could be snatched out of the fires of doubt. But, over the years, about five years actually that I have been on the net discussing things, I have signed off in disgust numerous times, only to be drawn back. The occasional e-mail that I get from lurkers expressing their appreciation, and posts like yours on the forum, is the reason why I feel compelled to put myself in the midst of the ridiculers of our faith. As far as my setting up a website, I had every intention of doing just that a couple of years back, but the brothers have asked me not to, so I have selved my little project---for now at least. / You Know

  • moman

    Mann & YK, you are fine examples of the self-rightous,brain-dead, clones the WT puts out.
    Do you ever miss your BRAINS?


  • jayhawk1

    Mann and You Know,

    Believe it or not, I respect your collective decision to be Jehovah's Witnesses. I respect your collect right to worship the God that you love. It just upsets me to this day how I was treated over such a little thing like wearing a beard. It upsets me how they keep changing the blood policy, instead of fixing it for good. It upsets me how they hide from their own words when faced with them. I have more to say, but I also have a life.

    Is this a light saber in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Solace

    Mann: Reading your comment about "removing the scum" brought me back to a teaching I used to hear at the kindom hall which addressed killing innocent children in armageddon. I used to wonder why Jehovah would kill the children, I didnt think it was their fault that their parents were worldly. The W.T.S referred to it as exterminating. The worldly children were like baby rodents that would soon grow into big rats, and needed to be destroyed.This type of teaching conditions members to view other human beings that are Non-witnesses, as scum, rodents, or garbage. Pretty sick, I must say.

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