Hounded to his Death

by Slidin Fast 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mana11

    Porn in WT talk can mean a wide varity of things.

    How was he found out, that woud be very interesting to know.

    How come they were watching the site.. which site is this?.

    The inquest could have asked more details about why they pressed him?

    I too can count many deaths from the pressure that is handed out... Makes me so sad to remember those good people that took their lives and the arrogant comments of the hounders that pressed them hard...

  • Phizzy

    Elders are simply not trained, and are therefore not qualified, to offer Pastoral care.

    They are simply there to enforce WTdiscipline. Shepherds they are not. The GB do not want them wasting time actually helping the flock.

    This guy needed all sorts of help and support, he did not get any.

  • happy@last

    I can't see Data why anyone would take exception to your post, it was an honest post. I can only assume someone pressed dislke by mistake

    Back to the OP, did i read right that it was the elders that told the wife about this? Really?? Is that not breaching confidentiality, the very clause they use to evade being questioned by the police about pedophiles?!?!?!


    I'm not mad. I was being 90% sarcastic. Anyone has a right to disagree with anything that I say.

    I guess it's possible that it was done by mistake. Surely that is the most logical explanation! LOL!!


  • LoveUniHateExams

    So, the elders, no doubt under direction from Bethel, hound this poor man and monitory his porn (between consenting adults) habit.

    In Watchtower World, the minor bad habit (if it's a bad habit all) of internet porn ended with suicide.

    The WTS has a history of monitoring what goes on in private between WTS marriage mates.

    The same WTS used to (and still does?) instruct elders to report allegations of child abuse only if the state requires it. At this point I am lost for words ...

  • Simon

    People are free to like or dislike posts as they please, please do NOT make an issue of it - this includes demanding to know who did it.


    I don't care who did it. I didn't even notice until it was pointed out. I repeat, 1) Sarcasm. 2) I don't really care and anyone can disagree with anything I say.

    Thats the beauty of a forum, it's an open discussion.


  • FayeDunaway
    I agree, Simon! Except, anyone who puts themselves out there, admits something, leaves themselves vulnerable...that's a brave thing and it was tacky to unlike his post, if the unlike was intentional.
  • talesin
    Grreat Teacher ..yup, I thought of that, too. *WHO* reported this infraction?

    Hmmm.... :speech_balloon:
  • talesin

    Grreat Teacher ,,,,, Indeed!

    I had thought of that as well.

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