Just Tell Us In Plain English

by headisspinning 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • headisspinning

    Thank you... all of you.

    I think that is the simple truth...

  • miseryloveselders

    If God has instructions for sincere people why can't he just tell us what they are in plain language?

    He could do that and some people would fall in line and others wouldn't.

    If I was God, that's what I would do.

    As a parent, that's what I do with my kids.

    I am so tired of all the guesswork.

    I hear ya bruh. I feel this way sometimes too. I say to myself, "so God stopped speaking directly to the human race because the Israelites got scared and told Moses to speak on God's behalf for now on." So God stopped speaking directly to the human race from that point onward. He sent prophets, and other representatives in His behalf. Jesus came, and after His disciples died off, that was the end of any reasonable attempt at identifying chosen representatives. So here we are in 2011, and we have to put this puzzle together as to what truth is, and what falsity is. If we choose wrong, we either burn in hell according to some faiths, or we're going to be annihalated forever according to the WT. Not to mentioned the thousands of other groups who claim to be God's chosen ones. I don't think we can fault anyone who gets tired of all the guesswork. On one hand I'm glad to be exploring the various different theological thoughts since waking up from this stupor called being a born in JW. However, it at times gets tiresome reading all these different views. It wears me down to the point that I look at young people dancing half naked on MTV or what have you, and I envy them for not worrying about the same thing I worry about. It aint fair some days.

  • headisspinning

    Jesus said the first command was 'Love' right? Maybe we should just do that. It covers off an awful lot.

  • tec

    Yes, it does.

  • shamus100

    Think positive and positive things happen.

    And most important: Don't be too hard on yourself.

  • headisspinning

    I will try.

    Thank you.

    I just wanted the whole 'Jehovah loves me' thing to be for real...

  • tec
    I just wanted the whole 'Jehovah loves me' thing to be for real...

    Do not let a lack of love in and from men dictate a lack of love in or from God. They do not show you God. Only Christ can do that. Christ shows us that God is merciful and forgiving.

    Guilt can separate us from God, and peace, if you allow it to win. If you are sorry for causing someone else pain, and want to be forgiven, then ask to be forgiven. Do your best to show that same forgiveness and mercy to others who wrong you, because you'll have known what it is like to feel unforgiven.


  • SixofNine

    you sound like a dirty hippy with all this "love" stuff ;)

    (the hippies were right about most everything. especially about facial hair )

  • PublishingCult
    If God has instructions for sincere people why can't he just tell us what they are in plain language?
    He could do that and some people would fall in line and others wouldn't.
    If I was God, that's what I would do.
    As a parent, that's what I do with my kids.
    I am so tired of all the guesswork.

    and who are you to question God's ways? :P

  • Satanus

    Since he's a jewish god, he speaks hebrew. Why'nt you make an english god?


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