Just Tell Us In Plain English

by headisspinning 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • headisspinning

    To LifeIsGood:

    I believe that we were created. And I believe that God is our creator. Whether 'Jehovah' is the proper pronunciation of His name or not.

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    Maybe he/she has there a great book you might enjoy by Neale Walsh called "Conversations with god"

  • snowbird

    I believe He has already done that - in the language of the human heart.

    Micah 6:8 But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do,
    what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
    be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously—
    take God seriously.
    The Message Bible


  • sabastious
    If God has instructions for sincere people why can't he just tell us what they are in plain language?

    Because everytime he talks he's drowned out by millions of others speaking for him.


  • lifeisgood


    Well, you still did not answer my questions.

    Why do you believe in 'God'?

    Which 'God'? Even the 'God' referred to in the Bible has many definitions depending on who you listen to. To answer this question you have to tell us who this 'God' is, what qualities he has, what he plans to do, etc.

    Regarding 'Jehovah', 'Jehovah' was a war god of pagan societies more ancient than the Hebrews, the Hebrews just took him and put him in their pantheon. Later they changed from the pantheon to the "one god" theory. A read of the Old Testament proves this. The god being talked about in the old testament is a blood thirsty war god. The god being talked about in the New Testament is totally different. So, how did god change so much? Was there a revolution? Did, the old testament war god get overthrown by a new god?

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    according to the gospels, jesus doomed whole towns (like capernaum) because they dind't listen to him. he called everyone with a little education a viper, a generation of vipers. he liked the thought of casting out people to hear their gnashing of teeth. foreigners he called dogs. he wants to bbq everyone he does not like, which pretty much is anyone not believing his message or anyone who loves his family. he hates people who got money... he either want's to take their money from them or not let them in his kingdom.

    and he even admits that he did NOT come for peace, but to bring a sword.

  • lifeisgood


    "Because everytime he talks he's drowned out by millions of others speaking for him."

    God talks to you? How does he do that? Does he just speak from the clouds and you can hear this big booming voice? Or, does he call you on the phone? Or send you emails? Or, give you visions and dreams?

  • tec

    Sab - Yes.

    J.Hofer - I think you're listening to men, and what they have to say about Christ. He never doomed anyone (in fact he asked that they be forgiven). He wept over Jerusalem (so he did not ever show that he liked the thought of casting people out to hear gnashing teeth, nor want anyone to be 'bbq'd' - that you can assume this and ignore the rest is your own bias showing through). No one was a viper for being educated - but rather for being a hypocrite, or for abusing those with less. He doesn't hate people with money. He doesn't care about money at all. It is people he is concerned with. Not their things.

    and he even admits that he did NOT come for peace, but to bring a sword.

    Yes. Truth does not always bring peace (at least not at first). Just the opposite in fact, for people who do not want the truth.


  • tec
    So, how did god change so much?

    God never changed. Someone came and showed us the truth about God. Then what changed were the misconceptions people had about God. Or at least they changed for those who looked to Christ to show them God.


  • designs

    The misconceptions about God have been cleared up because of Jesus

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