The Faithful and Discreet NOSTRADAMUS

by Terry 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Would you believe The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has something in common with NOSTRADAMUS?

    Nostradamus and Fred Franz wrote prophetically in seemingly specific words which were complicated and required belief and interpretation.

    Nostradamus came up with a pill to PREVENT THE PLAGUE. Fred Franz came up with Watchtower Theolgoy that would prevent DEATH at ARMAGEDDON.

    Nostradamus used as his sources just about every seer, prophet, astrologer and biblical soothsayer he could work into a quatrain.

    The gullible bought in and found "meaning". Fred Franz convinced a publishing company he could predict when Armageddon was coming.

    He used ancient history, bible verses, charts and imagination.

    Franz started a worldwide push to prepare people for 1975. It was called the END of six thousand years of human existence.

    Nothing happened. But, Franz was made President of the publishing company and head of the religion.

    Nostradamus' wife died of the plague but he went on to fame and glory.

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave of the Watchtower prints thousands of words seemingly filled with warnings....DIRE WARNINGS of the END of the World and people who believe try to match reality to those words. They become afraid.

    Nostradamus printed warnings...DIRE WARNINGS in his quatrains and people still try to match world events to find prophetic meaning.

    Nobody ever went broke understimating the intelligence of gullible people.

  • ssn587

    And IMO they were both full of it.

  • wobble

    According to fans of the Big N, he got more predictions right than Mad Freddy ever did.

  • Satanus

    Old nosty knew how to dress a lot better than freddie. Freddie is back woods posh, sunday best. A beard would prolly have added character.


  • Terry

    Interestingly, if you stop and think about it, what good is a prophecy?

    Logically, it gives you advance notice to prepare for an ACTUAL event so that you may avoid certain disaster.

    Nostradamus is always given credit years AFTER an event is supposed to have MATCHED his quatrains.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are on permanent alert that it is going to rain bullfrongs from the sky; the only issue becomes WHEN?

    The bible is only crystal clear on one thing: NOBODY KNOWS WHEN.

    Predicting dates would seem to be the LEAST practical effort a true believer could engage in.

    Either way, Jehovah's Witnesses constantly make their game one of REVEALING the TRUE meaning of prophecy without ANY RESULTS.

    With Nostradamus, the best you can derive is a SEEMINGLY accurate match between a world event and something predicted.

    Nothing could be done by way of warning.

    Here are my predictions for this year.

    There will be the outbreak of wars. Prominent people will die. Natural disasters will continue. An amazing discovery will be announced.

    A scandal will rock a firmly entrenched institution. A previously unknown scientific principle will be discovered.

    How many of these will match an event in reality, do you suppose?

    Am I a prophet?

  • ProdigalSon

    Nostradamus, like all psychics, was observing the time-space continuum, called the Akashic Records or Book of Life. They are only possible outcomes. The future cannot be set in stone, because that would eliminate free will. Prophecies are warnings, that is all they are. There is no God in the sky that predetermines outcomes (predestination), otherwise there can be no evolution and all of our suffering is a waste.

    From Wiki:

    In his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, Evidence of Life between Lives, Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist who has worked with subjects in deep states, has many accounts of the akashic record, or "Book of Life". Souls prior to being incarnated go to a 'library' and view the pages associated with the life they are considering. The pages are not necessarily sequential. Although there may be definitive way points along the course of our lives, our free will can change paths, events and outcomes. As the soul prepares for a life with the intent of learning a particular lesson or satisfying a karmic debt, the soul will also choose a family and a body that will help them with the lessons for this incarnation. For many, some of those images survive "birth amnesia" and become our intuition serving them during their lives.

    C.W. Leadbeater, who claimed to be clairvoyant, conducted research into the akashic records. He said he inspected them at the Theosophical Society headquarters in Adyar (Tamil Nadu), India during the summer of 1910 and recorded the results in his book Man: How, Whence, and Whither? The book records the history of Atlantis and other civilizations and the future society of Earth in the 28th century. [ 2 ]

    In The Law of One, Book I, a book purported to contain conversations with a channeled "social memory complex" known to humans as "Ra," when the questioner asks where Edgar Cayce received his information, the answer received is: "We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the "Akashic Record" or the "Hall of Records." [ 3 ]

    "Future Life Reading" - Helen Stewart Wambach, Ph.D (1925–1985), who lived in Concord, California, claimed to be able to read the Akashic Record. She said she could hypnotize people and enable them to experience their possible future lives in various alternate universes. [ 4 ]

  • Terry

    Hmmmm....let me see if I have this straight...

    IF I make a prediction it is only a possible event.

    IF it happens I was accurate.

    IF it doesn't happen it was merely a POSSIBLE event anyway....

    Am I stating this correctly?

    Ummmmm, what is the difference between this and GUESSWORK and DUMB LUCK?

  • ProdigalSon

    Yep, that's the thing with fortune tellers and crystal balls. If we believe we can do nothing to change the projected outcome, it makes us impotent. We're not impotent. We're empowered with free will. It's a wonderful gift, and we are taking advantage of it. This is evidenced by the fact that most of Nostradamus' prophecies (and the Bible's, by the way) have failed to materialize within the time frames that were predicted. If its too late, its too late, period. Prophecies cannot be "renewed" to fit a later time frame.

    But it's really much more than this, when we consider parallel universes. There is so much we don't know or understand yet. We're those shackled people in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. We're fish in a fish tank and we think this is all there is. The bottom line is, we are "gods"....we are infinitely more than what we think or can currently perceive with our limited consciousness. We're operating at about 3 percent of our potential according to a multitude of masters, gurus, and philosophical teachings. Because of this disconnection of our systems, we're unaware that we're spirits temporarily inhabiting physical bodies, and we're under the illusion that we're cut off from the higher realms. Indoctrination with disinformation from religion and media programming is responsible for this. We can't wake up as long as we don't know we're sleeping, and the people who run this world are fully aware of this. They know how to control us and have been doing a very good job at it. There are many facets to this. For instance, putting us on the Gregorian Calendar has totally messed up our perception of time. Any woman can tell you that our biological clocks are based on lunar cycles of 28 days. Another way they shut us down is by keeping us in fear by showing nothing but bad news. We really should be careful what we allow to enter our consciousness via the boob-tube.

    When we dream at night, we're leaving our bodies and visiting the astral plane with our consciousness. There is a quantum connection and all of this is now being proven scientifically.

  • Terry

    I think if it weren't for Fred Franz there wouldn't even be Jehovah's Witness theology. He was the fulcrum of teaching which

    seemed to carry intense prophetic importance.

    When his big gamble (1975) came up Craps the shock in Brooklyn must have been quite astounding.

    I doubt anybody there ever really voiced alarm ALOUD.

    It was like a fart in the room. Everybody pretended they didn't smell it.

    For those of you who were JW's BEFORE the 1975 failure we can all tell you something straight out: IT WAS A DIFFERENT RELIGION socially back then!

    It was a kinder and gentler social situation with picnics and get-togethers and casual conversations which cannot take place today.

    FRED FRANZ the phony prophet destroyed what was left of the gentle and redeeming part of this quirky and crackpot religion!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Good one!

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