Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-27-11 WT Study (DISCOURAGEMENT)

by blondie 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Regarding the young man that MiseryLovesElders met with:

    "So he asked if he could speak to me privately and off the record, and not within an earshot of his mother. ... He intimated to me that he feels trapped because he's incapable of supporting himself at this time. Not only that, but he expressed some dismay at his low field service time, and lack of commenting at the meeting. At that point I offered to help him in that regard, but what he said next left me pretty much floored. He said, "Misery you don't understand. I don't believe in any of this stuff anymore. At all, but I'm not able to move out just yet." ..."

    That is quintessentially the core of the difficulty that young Jehovah's Witnesses face - that I also faced, and failed to find a reasonable solution to...

    Looking back, I see now that I could have sought out the assistance of my non-JW extended family; however, the years of Watchtower-Society-induced isolation made it extremely difficult to contact them, had I even realized that I could have obtained help from them...

    OUTLAW mentioned the young JWs who come here, the ones seeking to leave, the ones still trapped - though I don't think that the young man that Misery spoke with is too YOUNG - I think he just hasn't had the chance to build up some savings and develop marketable skills that would help him to obtain a job, due to the insane pressures and "black-hole" demands on his time that the Watchtower Society has strong-armed him into...

    Which is exactly what the Watchtower Society intends... Cripple the young so they can't escape...

    I've said it before; I'll say it again - if former JWs really want to see young people exiting this religion before it destroys their life, then there needs to be some sort of "support" system for them to get out - a place to stay, financing - or at least emotional support - for further education, even if it means just going to a trade school at first. Get them into their first apartment, their first car, their first job - basically provide them with some version of the "good" parent that the Watchtower - and probably their brainwashed parents - never were...

    At the very least, provide them with a plan of attack:

    1. Stay undercover until you're ready to escape;

    2. Get decent training for a good job;

    3. After getting the job, save your money for a nest egg;

    4. After getting the nest egg get some decent transportation;

    5. then look around for your own place - even renting a trailer home or a garage apartment.

    6. Start making friends OUTSIDE of the Watchtower Society - or maybe this should be step #1...



    Hey Zid..

    Back in the day there was no support system..

    If you walked away from the WBT$/JW Cult you were on your own..

    The WBT$ had you right where they wanted you..Isolated..

    Now a JW can go on the net,get Intellectual support and ideas on how to escape the WBT$..

    Alot of people want out of the WBT$/JW Sh*tHole..

    Things are going to progress for people who want out..The WBT$ no longer has the power it once had..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • ziddina

    OUTLAW, you make some good points. I'm just concerned when I read accounts like the young man who consulted Misery - seems that, even with the internet, there are many young JWs who just haven't figured out how to build an "escape route"...

    I just wish there was some way to reach these youths - make up my six points above and hand them out at gatherings of young JWs, or something like that...

    But that's exactly what the Watchtower Society wants to prevent - that's another reason the Gov.Bod is trying to work all the JWs into exhaustion - they're less likely to have the energy or mental awareness to see a potential escape route, that way...

    Whatta buncha creeps!!!


    Hey Zid..

    Ya..I know what you mean..

    It would be nice to be able to provide more,but this is what we got for now..

    No matter what..

    They are going to have to learn how to take care of themselves..That only comes from doing it..

    If we can provide Advise and Intellectual support..We have done alot..

    It`s more than most of us got in the early days..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • sizemik

    "They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger." (MATT 23;4 NWT)

    Luvonyall - MS

  • jgnat

    (JW) hubby is discouraged enough as it is. This article is a day late and a dollar short. The "advice" is more of the same; do more of what is killing you now.

    Skip holidays and rewarding work? Fast way to an early grave.

    Bedridden after brain surgery? No excuse. Use the sympathy card to convince "worldlies" to come to you.



    This April..

    Anyone who can get 30 Hours of Field Service in,can be a Pioneer..

    The WBT$ has a "WBT$ Advertising Card" you can place on your Hospital bedside Table..

    JW`s can literally "Count Field Service Time in a Coma"..

    The WBT$ will use you Until your Dead..

    Then use You for WBT$ Advertising at your Own Funeral..

    Any JW who is in a Coma and Dies this April,can Pioneer..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Mary

    Outlaw said: The WBT$ has a "WBT$ Advertising Card" you can place on your Hospital bedside Table..

    OMG Outlaw.....please tell me you're joking. Then again, don't they try witnessing to people at gravesights?


    Good Evening Mary..

    OMG Outlaw.....please tell me you're joking. .....Mary

    Honestly..I wish I was..

    Unfortunately it`s true.. All I can do is Joke about it..

    In a Macabre kind of way,it is Funny..

    The WBT$ will take Advantage of Anything,or Anyone..

    Including a JW in a Coma..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW


    Do not let fatigue cause you to miss out on eternal blessings.

    How arrogant to presume that peoples lives are at stake if they cannot keep up with the impossible demands of these Pharisees!

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