But in the meantime you contacted Youtube telling them how PublishingCult is being a mean boy with his fair use of 6 Screens content.
I guess what I mean to ask is; did you ask a general question or point to my videos specifically?
by koolaid-man 60 Replies latest jw friends
But in the meantime you contacted Youtube telling them how PublishingCult is being a mean boy with his fair use of 6 Screens content.
I guess what I mean to ask is; did you ask a general question or point to my videos specifically?
Nope, wrong. I never used your name at all. I asked a hypothetical Q which is if I give permission to one party to record my voice on the web, can someone take this recording, of my voice, and put it on youtube for a video made for their own specific purpose.
I am not about getting people's youtube accounts cancelled. And like I said, I am not in your videos. I am just trying to make sure I know what the rules are so if I only want my voice recorded for a specific reason, my wishes will be obeyed. My specific reason would be for the six screens conference calls and upperroom ministry house church ONLY. Peace, Lilly
:) peace be with you, too, Lyl
In an earlier post you said, "I am curious as to how youtube will feel about that if this person decides to make a complaint?"
How does one take that?
Nice points Lovelylil. Seriously Mr. PC have you ever heard of Constructive Criticism? The bitter venom you spitted makes you no better than the person you were attacking. You spent a better portion on the vids labeling and name calling. Hello, Rick Feauron don't run the world or the Ex-JW community to be specific. The name of your two vids should have been..........OPINIONS, DAMN OPINIONS, and THE DUMB CHRISTIAN VIEWPOINTS because that what you were really saying. You did not point out the lies but only speculation of questionable callers and actions by Rick himself, which by the way for the callers there is no proof presented that can for sure discredit them. Maybe "Johnny" is a host but how do we know that Rick set that crap up. PC your vids can turn off witnesses too by the way and who made you the authoratative voice for apostates. They're are way more videos out there by Ex-JWs and associates that are far more appalling and over the top than Rick's Conference calls. You can't single him out. You defeating your purpose
I think the title of this thread couldnt be more appropiate...
What is one to think about all of this comments made by the same poster :
its not me, but one lady I know on that conference call and I am sure she would not want her voice used or her comments being put on youtube
niether she nor any of the other commentors were contacted and told this call would be used for another purpose. I am curious as to how youtube will feel about that if this person decides to make a complaint?
I think I'll look into it as I plan on joining the conference calls again myself and I can tell you that I definately do not want my name, voice, or any other information about me on youtube without MY expressed permission
I am going to look this up. Because as far as I know, the people on six screens conference call gave Rick permission to tape them but they did not give permission to anyone else. With the fair use act, does this include someone Voic
I will find out because if that is the case, I will not be allowing anyone to record me anymore for any reason. And its a shame too because I found a lot of fellowship on the conference calls
Anyway, I contacted youtube and am waiting for a reply. Because I really would hate to not be able to participate in the conference calls
And like I said, I am not in your videos. I am just trying to make sure I know what the rules are so if I only want my voice recorded for a specific reason, my wishes will be obeyed.
Unless I am terrible mistaken this poster is sooooo nice as to inquire for the wellfare of someone who happened to call the show whose anonimity is still intact who gave permission to be recorded and who now even asks youtube about the rights of her acquaintance who is anonymous and who gave permission. Wow seem that to not know you know too much.
Seriously Mr. PC have you ever heard of Constructive Criticism? The bitter venom you spitted makes you no better than the person you were attacking. You spent a better portion on the vids labeling and name calling.
Are YOU serious? Rick and those calling in were so utterly constructive and lacking venom, no speculation, no bigotry, no hatred whatsoever. You are right, and I am now so ashamed.
They're are way more videos out there by Ex-JWs and associates that are far more appalling and over the top than Rick's Conference calls. You can't single him out.
Care to share one or two of these apalling over the top apostate videos . . . ?
@cyberjesus; I was waiting for someone to point that out. Which one was she do you suppose? The "illuminati/young healthy men at Bethel" lady?
It was not me in the videos, or my voice I should say. I am not on that conference call talking about the sex act. Believe me I pick my battles and that is just not one of them. Check it out yourself on the six screens website. The entire conference call is on there. Whenever I give a comment, I identify myself as Lilly from Boston.
Lyl, let me try one last time to make this clear.
Rick asserted the image in the Creation book, and we have it well-documented, was lude, perverted, blasphemous and of a homosexual nature. He emphatically asserted these things as fact. He lied, perhaps out of ignorance, but as they say, "ignorance is no excuse". Rick is responsible for the content of his program and he gets nailed and criticized for being a bigot and a sensationalist. Fair game.
The callers I "featured" in part I were agreeing and asserting the same thing. I can just hear Thomas Newton getting the spectators in the Court of Oyer and Terminer all worked up during the Salem witch trials, and everyone pointing their fanatical fingers at whoever they suspect of being in league with Satan. Rational people, like you of course, get a pass and they don't get played in this instance because we are pointing out the lunacy that was this topic. Therefore, my calling them "the cast of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was for them and them only. Fair game. Those listening on the line who didn't jump on the polite version of the God Hates Fags bandwagon and who remained silent are probably glad they did.