LIES, DAMN LIES, AND APOSTATES... PublishingCult speaks up about The Six Screens on a new video.

by koolaid-man 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • PublishingCult

    Something, too, I want to restate: Rick read not only all the commentes posted to his original plug for the conference call, but I also sent him an email on youtube expressing my concern after he failed to respond to any of the other posters on his own thread, to which he also did not respond. What does that tell you? He knew better, or at least had a clue that what he was doing was not so good for himself and would go against what he claims his goal is.


    Something stinks about him.

  • lovelylil


    Maybe not everyone joined in the conversation because they did not agree with the statements being made. Lil

  • PublishingCult
    Maybe not everyone joined in the conversation because they did not agree with the statements being made.

    and neither did they speak up to say they disagreed.

    “Of course we must fear evil men, but there is another evil that we must fear more . . . and that is the indifference of good men.”

    -Troy Duffy

  • lovelylil

    Or maybe some people chose to address it in private instead of on a conference call.

  • PublishingCult
    Or maybe some people chose to address it in private instead of on a conference call.

    Disagreement was expressed both publicly and privately with Mr. Fearon before the conference call. He did not respond. He proceeded unheeded.

    I really do not wish to sound insulting to you, for you have already taken exception to something that apparently has no direct reflection on you, however, yes, and I say this with much sarchasm and distaste at this point: Yes, in a public call-in show, to disagree with bigotry and wild speculation and to call it what it is would be utterly rediculous. It's much better to whimper in private. Seriously?

    If it were the case, and that was their choice, and of course it was their choice, they are cowards.

    OK, I am finished discussing this.

    I will, however, say that unlike Mr. Fearon, I do not ring-and-run. I was here to discuss these videos and the content and provide valid arguments for them. Where is Rick? Where are the sycophant callers to defend their position?

    Enough said.

  • PublishingCult

    Wait . . . Lyl, hold on . . .

    Boston . . . ?

    Are you Rick's wife?

  • Satanus

    There are lots of christian radio personalities like koolaideman. They use sensationalism and fearmongering tactics. Christians are SO vulnerable to that.


  • lovelylil


    I was not there to discuss homosexuality and therefore did not need to reply in any way. The conference call is set up so you can either just listen to a conversation or get into the conversation. Frankly I am one that if I have an issue with a friend (which is what Rick is to me) I will address it in person with them and not on the phone with who knows how many other people listening in? Don't see anything wrong with that.

  • PublishingCult

    fine, but you are not denying you are in fact Mrs. Rick Fearon. More intellectual dishonesty and obfuscation?

  • lovelylil

    ha,ha, no I am not Rick Fearon's wife, I swear.

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