sd-7 report: End of an era

by sd-7 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Dear Sd-7, aww so very sorry

    Been there done that and it doesn't feel good!

    Get busy doing things you enjoy ... go out with someone fun ... fix-up your place.

    Do you remember that comfy old chair in the thrift store? Go get it! Buy something that is really you!

    I hope you have a family member who will help you through this.

    Don't worry about what people think about this. Believe in yourself (((sd))).


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Good for you!!!

    This is a learning experience for you. Make the most of your new situation to learn about yourself and what you really need in life.

  • sd-7

    Thank you so much for the outpouring of support. You're like the random, heretical parents I never had. What can I say?

    Just spoke to my dad, he's recommending I move out and come back home like, in 3 days. He's probably right, it's kind of crime-ridden here. But my mom's a JW, it could create political problems for her if I return. And my wife hasn't gotten the rest of her stuff yet. That kinda needs to happen. Not that my being here has anything to do with that, per se.

    Hmm. What was it Threepio said? "How did we get into this mess? I really don't know how. We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life."

    Just trying to lighten the mood, is all. Though by now, surely someone has made a snide remark, right? Well, even that would be okay. I did say you could say 'I told you so', after all. "Today, sir...I don't want to. But I did bloody tell you. I suppose they'll implicate me in all this, as your accomplice." "Accomplice? I'm going to tell them the whole thing was your idea."


  • ziddina

    Hi, sd-7... I'm back...

    Remember when I had this "vision"??? (this thread...

    Uhh, SD-7, I'm having a 'psychic' vision here, and it's not a pretty one - well, not at first...
    I sense that your wife isn't going to remain as your wife. ...
    I can sense that you'll eventually give up on the marriage AND the cult... [And, in my opinion, YOU SHOULD!!! Not to push you, or anything...] You'll go thru a bleak time - a period of "wandering in the desert", so to speak.
    Eventually, the clouds/dust storms will lift, and you'll begin to see your surrounding terrain much more clearly. You'll move on, you'll heal - with a much clearer view of what it SHOULD mean when someone loves you, and a much clearer picture of how you WANT to be treated - WELL-treated - in your 'mind's eye'...
    And then you'll find a good "life-partner", and will have REAL unconditional, accepting, non-judgmental love - perhaps for the first time in your life...

    The first part of the vision has come true - not that I'm going to claim any REAL "psychic" ability, mind you...

    NOW it's time for the SECOND part of my "vision" to come true - the part in bold and highlighted...

    Your mileage may vary - but I hope that this happens for you!!!


    [and man, it took some digging to find that!! And this is NOT an "I told you so"...!!]

  • wasblind


    don't you worry none 'bout snide remarks or told you so's

    just know that the ones who responded do care.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Good for you, brother. Alcohol is not the answer, but were it me, I would be SEVERELY tilted towards a martini right now....

    Wish you a speedy "recovery"!


  • tec

    I'm sorry your marriage is ending, but I'm also proud that you are standing up for yourself. You have nothing to be ashamed of that would ever be worthy of an 'I told you so'. You made your decisions based on love and compassion, and did your very best to accommodate your wife's and your own contributing weaknesses.

    You will learn and be wiser. You will find something real, and love again. You are a clever and generous man. So for now, you work on loving you.

    Peace and strength to you,


  • miseryloveselders

    Man SD, on one hand I'm happy you finally took the intitiative and gave her the boot, but on the other hand you've just entered an entirely different ball game. There's more I want to say, but I'm not ready to at this time. Just remember one thing though, for all her faults, which I'm sure are plenty, and I'm sure you've got plenty too as it takes two to tango. Remember though from this day going forward, she's still the mother of your child.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Remember though from this day going forward, she's still the mother of your child.

    From what I've read, it's not his child. She already had the baby from a previous r'ship when they got married.

  • saltyoldlady

    Dear sd-7 - Nothing is more painful than what you are going through. My heart goes out to you. Many many hugs.

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