Do your elders care at all?

by Mr. Falcon 55 Replies latest jw experiences

  • palmtree67

    Mr. Falcon,

    I felt like there were a couple of elders over the years who really cared.

    But my experience, being born and raised in the same city - We had the same city overseer for 35 yrs.

    When he retired, he moved 1500 miles away and NO ONE in the city ever heard from him again, and he never came back for a visit.

    It seemed strange to me. It sort of felt like we meant nothing to him.......

  • AnneB

    My "truth": There are some men in Elder position who care so much it hurts. There are some who are in it for the power and glory. Most elders are just guys filling a position, cogs in a wheel.

    The problem, as I see it, is utter lack of exposure to the corporate world. WT is a huge corporation. It runs just like any other corporation. There are too few with "worldly" organizational training such as is gained in a good business program at a reputable college or university. Most elders are lost souls, doing their best and believing, if anybody ever asked them, that they're fulfilling the letter and spirit of the position as near to perfect as any human could.

    The ones who pour their hearts into eldership as well as their time and resources are a dying breed. You can't give more than WT wants and WT doesn't want emotional involvement. It's a job. It's uncompensated in a material sense, but a job nonetheless. In today's world you don't dare show your feelings or get involved outside the scope of your duties. The old timers didn't function under such conditions and the few younger ones who do will either burn out or be weeded out.

    I've known some wonderful elders in my time. My family has been helped by these caring souls and I hope I never forget their kindnesses. I honestly don't know if my family could have made it without their help. I've also known some real never-mind-whats that have hurt my family and caused almost irreparable damage. The thing to remember is the same thing could be said of neighbors, co-workers, etc., some good, some bad.

    Most people don't have a road map showing their position in the stream of life. Without that perspective it's almost impossible to know how to maneuver. Try to develop such a perspective in yourself, then you may be able to stear clear of potentially harmful situations.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    The problem, as I see it, is utter lack of exposure to the corporate world. WT is a huge corporation. It runs just like any other corporation. There are too few with "worldly" organizational training such as is gained in a good business program at a reputable college or university.

    I agree with you, AnneB. And they try to solve this dilemma by having all these "special schools" but in reality all they are is just Wal-Mart pep rallies intermixed with unrealistic demonstrations and soliquies. So you go and for 8 hours you hear about how "you are blessed with the best training on earth", but by the end of the 8 hours you haven't learned anything except that "you are blessed with the best training on earth." Apparently.

  • Pink Floyd
    Pink Floyd

    my father was an elder my whole childhood. he cared so much about the congregation. more than his own family and kids... so much i felt like i didnt have a father growing up...

  • leavingwt

    my father was an elder my whole childhood. he cared so much about the congregation. more than his own family and kids... so much i felt like i didnt have a father growing up...

    Pink Floyd: Welcome to the forum.

  • unshackled

    Welcome Pink Floyd....congrats on breaking down "the Wall" and joining the forum.

  • DesirousOfChange
    Do your elders care at all?

    NO. Pinky, your father goes back to the "old days" when I think most really did care.

    Today. It's just a title for most.

    There are families in our Hall without a shepherding call for 8 years. One of the men in one such family is disabled. Wife caring for him, kids, work, house, etc.

    There's a divorced brother who was reproved for fornication 6 years ago. Still on restrictions. Never contacted again by committee members. He committed fornication again, (GEEZ, twice $%#ed in 6 years), reported to elders, they didn't remember that he had been reproved 6 years ago. BUT, because it was his 2nd offense, they PUBLICLY reproved him this time, even though NO ONE had any knowledge of the transgression.

    Elders are too busy......

    .....too busy making a living; too busy building new homes; too busy traveling (hubby on golf, fishing, or hunting trips; wives on cruises or to Vegas); OK, some travel to international conventions all over the world; too busy schmoozing with CO/DO to get Assm/Conv part;

    Easier to just disfellowship problem publishers than make shepherding calls. YAWN!


  • life is to short
  • Pink Floyd
    Pink Floyd

    Thanks for the welcomes... I am so glad someone suggested this site. It feels good to know I'm not alone..

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    The elders not caring is what got me out.

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