
by minimus 189 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    Dear Life is to short (I like your avatar):

    As ex-Jws, most of us here appreciate all too well how easily our inquiries and thoughts about the JWs were so readily turned against us by outraged JWs. So, surely it is possible to express one's opinion on a matter without having one's motives questioned. I don't question that Mrs Anderson is well regarded and that she is a person with integrity. I "merely" expressed a point of view regarding aspects of her posts. I made no derogatory names about her but admittedly was clear about what I did not like about her choice of titles for (some of) her posts.

    It is disappointing that, at times, to disagree on this forum is to automatically be judged as motivated by a suspect motive (e.g., jealousy?!). Can I improve the way I express myself and exercise more care in my own choice of words? Absolutely - as we all can. But my strong preference is for healthy debate - without resorting to personal labels and/or "searching" for bad motives. What we have in common on this forum is likely far, far more important than the points upon which we may differ.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i read the original thread just to find the "putting down" part (wasn't interested in the original topic, right because it was too sensational). guess what, i didn't find any "putting down".

  • scotsman

    I normally like your posts Steve2 but in this case I think you're being a bit of a dick.

    I'll add that I've never had the impression that Barbara wants to bring down the WTBTS but that she does want it to be held responsible for child protection issues over sexual abuse and blood transfusion. But I've met her so maybe I read her posts differently from you.

  • wobble

    Just to add my thanks to the appreciations already expressed, THANKS Barbara and Joe !

    You do, and have done great work, so easily you could have just left the WT and moved on, leaving it to its evil ways, but you have worked hard to publicise the problems that it has, and how false it all is. Well done !

    And please do not alter the way you post things on here, when I was first struggling with the thought of leaving the WT after 58 years in, your post caught my eye, and what was contained within helped me no end to see "behind the curtain", in my pantheon of XJW greats you both stand tall with dear Ray Franz !

  • Lozhasleft

    I am appalled at Slimboyfat and Steve2 - just plain nasty and for no good reason whatsoever. Barbara please ignore and accept the support of the majority on here.

    Loz x

  • steve2

    just plain nasty and for no good reason whatsoever

    If I have said anything that has been construed as "plain nasty" I apologize without reservation for that was not my intention. However, I reject the conclusion that whatever I expressed has been for no good reason whatsoever which implies only those who agree with a view can post. I welcome debate yet also acknowledge that often it seems easier to attack the person's assumed motives than the actual content of what has been said.

  • JRK


    I guess this is just proof that you can't please everybody! Anyone that has actually met you and Joe can vouch for your sincerity and depth of knowledge.

    We both know that a lot of men come out of the Watchtower with misogynistic views. Don't you know that you women should keep out of the lead?

    Either let it roll like water off a ducks back, or use the language that another egomaniac ex-elder used on you before. I know that you will not do that, as you are too much a lady. Since I am basically a pig, I will tell them to do that any time you want me to. LOL

    It was a pleasure getting to know both you and Joe last summer, and hope we meet again sometime.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Regarding Ba

    Barbara Anderson (howdy, Ba!) and her husband Joe are a deep reservoir of information and experience with nearly all things Watchtower, and other things too. Mostly, though, they are just good folk. So far as I can tell neither looks for limelight and both very much enjoy helping people. Each does it in their own way. I love the Andersons.

    Regarding criticism

    As for critics, I love them all. Including those who voice views critical of Ba’s approach. When a person takes time to voice themselves it is helpful, whether they agree or disagree; complain or applaud. This gives readers a better opportunity to find sound ground and learning of perceptions that may or may not have merit. Some criticism are rude (or not) as a matter of opinion, and all criticisms are considered rude by someone somewhere, and so what. What matters about information is soundness. Each person is entitled to hold and share opinion—or should be if they are not. Whether an opinion is worth the paper it is written on is another matter. But by taking time to put pen to paper a person sharing an opinion is exposing their view to yet further analysis for soundness, which is a favor to us all.

    Regarding drama

    What is perceived as drama may not be offered as or for drama. It is wise to avoid transposing our perception onto another person’s action.

    Regarding Steve2

    I love you, Steve2, for whatever that is worth.

    Regarding everyone else

    I love you too, again, for whatever that is worth.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • CoonDawg

    I think we need an ExJW hall of fame for those who have made significant contributions to exposing the WTS and helping ex-dubs to realize that they aren't completely crazy. Many would have deserving rolse in our hall of fame...and the best thing about it is that pretty much all of them do it for reasons OTHER THAN self-agrandizement.

  • besty

    FaceBook rules the world whilst MySpace languishes as a footnote.

    A big part of that is real identity, and the trust that comes with it. MySpacers had usernames, FaceBookers have real names.

    Barb Anderson, Randy Watters, Ray Franz, Paul Grundy & Simon Green are real names the WTS knows very well. The anonymous peanut gallery on JWN are entitled to their opinion, but ultimately it weighs less.

    Take your pick.

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