Barbara I deeply appreciate the work you have done for each of us in providing this timely information.
by minimus 189 Replies latest jw friends
We don't know why Minimus feels the way Minimus does......(for Laverite).
Why is Minimus always hiding behind those sunglasses anyway? Hmmmm?
They say...debauchery shows around the eyes. I'm just sayin......
Terry, shhhhh
The only thing I do when I see somebody treat a veteran with disrespect is feel sorry for them that they never learned a better way.
There is so much good about this statement and yet I'd hope that it also allows enough room for healthy disagreement. After all, the very same reasoning was used against so many of us here by the JWs who became so upset when we dared show such "disrespect" by questioning aspects of the Watchtower's teaching. I still grow cold when I hear the echo of my grandmother accuse me of rejecting "meat in due season" because I had questioned something and been seen as showing a dsirespectful attitude.
I am all for respectful discourse; trouble is, each person has a different idea on what showing respect means. For some, it's never verbalizing disagreement at all, for others it's showing the utmost tact and virtually beating around the bush until the listener is not sure what's being said at all. For others, its matching bold for bold. That is, even if a poster is well known (by their name and good reputation) but who tends to make very confident statements about what is or isn't going to happen inside the organization, they need to have the composure to accept that others may not share their view. I would say, provided those others do not resort to insulting labels or unsupportable comments, they should be given space to express their view.
I so agree with the posters who have said that Mrs Anderson is quite able to argue her case. Of course I appreciate her clearly expressed points of view. On most points I can only say, "Well said!" But to label as disrespectful anyone who dares to verbalize disagreement with aspects of her threads crosses a line that looks scarily like how JWs react when a "mere" nobody questions "Jehovah's loving provisions.
I so agree with the posters who have said that Mrs Anderson is quite able to argue her case. Of course I appreciate her clearly expressed points of view. On most points I can only say, "Well said!" But to label as disrespectful anyone who dares to verbalize disagreement with aspects of her threads crosses a line that looks scarily like how JWs react when a "mere" nobody questions "Jehovah's loving provisions.
I guess I need to step up and say that I happen to agree with Steve2.
I said practically the same things several years ago, (i.e. sensationalistic self-promotionism) and got the same treatment here on the JWN.
It was not an ad-hominem attack - it was constructive criticism.
That thread about sex-predator discovery & registration in Austraila was indeed sensationalized and did not present the factual basis of the matter - that it was privately created by an angry and somewhat implausable exJW.
The tone reminds me greatly of the years-old and probably forgotten "greatest thing ever is just about to break news on blood transfusions - but I cannot tell you yet" thread.
I appreciate what Barbara Anderson has done. I only wish that the aspect of sensationalism and me-first journalistic discovery could be toned down.
For what it's worth, not much I know, I do agree with james_woods. Overly sensationalizing a topic gives hope to many of us here that something will happen. Barbara does have a history of doing this. Ray Franz did not do this sort of thing. This statement says it all to me:
"Are you doing this because I'm a woman (not a man) who climbed the Watch Tower ladder to the top and now pass along the information to help prove that this religion is a sham that terribly hurts people?" What top? Ray was at the "top", a Watchtower reseacher is nothing more than a Watchtower reseacher. There is no "top" Barbara that you have attained.
Ok, we get it - you don't like some of the words and phrases that Barb used and will make damn sure to point out the error of her ways whether it is something she posts now or something she said in a topic many years ago.
What she does and the message isn't important, all that matters is the tone used and how it makes you feel.
Got it.
Some of us appreciate the message though and the effort and research and cost that goes into providing it so please feel free to shut the hell up whenever you feel you've had enough, Ok?
just n from bethel
I still say give her a break. How many years did she work at Watchtower's writing department? Is it completely her fault if her writing skills occasionally refelect some remnants of WT's editorial training? I mean I've seen National Enquirer have less sensationalistic headlines than the Watchtower.