Not surprised. He went from interesting historical observations to quasi-religous rants.
Fox has dropped Glenn Beck's show
by unshackled 63 Replies latest jw friends
He went from interesting historical observations to quasi-religous rants.
Agreed. I haven't listened to him in months. He gets a possessed look in his eyes. I started to watch him just to see if his head was going to spin off his head. The last straw was that he started to blame high food prices SOLELY on our falling dollar. I immediately did some research, and saw that it had more to do with droughts and good old supply economics. After that, I couldn't handle his Mormon, 'end of the world' views....
In answer to one post.....what is wrong with conservatives? We just don't want all you lazy so and so's to take a part of what we work so hard for. It's called money$$$$$$$.
I worked long and hard for years to be where I am today and I share some of what I have. Why should I have to share with someone who just wants a handout without some iota of work or ambition? If you fit the "wanting a handout" group, then weep and gnash your teeth for not getting anything.
happydad, all the lazyarse handout wanters are crying "slavery" and "unfairness"............... when this country has passed many laws to make opportunity available to the people seeking it!
All these people think rich people don't pay taxes............ I can attest that I cringe every april!
I get hit with multiple tax bills
1. unpaid federal and state taxes
2. new quarterly estimated taxes.
3. paying the appropriate sales taxes
4. and paying the CPA a nice check for all his magic!
and don't forget the richer you are, the most likely to have a bigger house, and voila! house property taxes!
This is good news for America. Beck is a dangerous fool. Apparently the younger people in his audience are tired of his BS. Finally.
Agreeing with misery loves elders.
There are only 3 things Beck is interested in. Money, ratings and his special underwear.
Thank God most of us here do our own thinking without a chalkboard.
Band on the Run
Beck's crazy rants are dangerous! William F. Buckley, Scalia, Roberts, Alito and other conservatives I can respect. The world is richer for exposure to different points of view. Opponents of my views help me clarify and explain my own. I joined a Fox news boycott years ago. What concerns me is the birther nuts. Becks knows Obama is a ciitizen. He is not that dumb. Michelle Bachmann knows Obama is a citizen.Donald Trump knows for certain. She is not that dumb. It terrifies me to see educated people spout a crazy story to rev up the base. I loved John Stewart's Rally for Sanity.
Colbert knows he does comedy. What did Hitler do? He was not that bright but I admit I also don't believe that he believed the venom he stirred up. Millions died.
From what I have heard, this was Beck's choice and decision, not Fox's. He wsan't fired or asked to resign.
And my old granny was Miss America. Do you actually know the difference between shit and shinola?
I thought not.
That is such an odd description of Glen Beck, CoonDawg. You are saying that he is ok with spewing lies on a radio show to further a political agenda and make money. You are calling him completely corrupt and evil, which is not a bad thing, I was just curious if you knew that.
Of course I realize what I'm saying...that's what makes him reprehensible in my eyes. It's pretty clear that this is all about money for him, no matter who gets hurt in the process. I mean, really, this guy will schill for ANYTHING. Back when I was driving, I was on his show more than once as a caller, calling him on his bulls**t. I actually got on air several times. While originally his motives may have been benign, he's morphed into someone who has become a cartoon. He's the Samuel L Jackson or Gene Simmons of talk show hosts. That's what I was referring to when I mentioned his envy of Rush Limbaugh. Rush, no matter what you think of his politics or his methods, is a very very successful businessman and he's the envy of every rightwing talker. I remember when Beck first started with CNN - it was just an experimental project with no real hard hitting news to it. He originally stated that it was a mood lightener - entertainment to break the mood on an otherwise "serious" news channel. Then when he went to far for the CNN audience, Faux was only too happy to pick him up to show what big meanies the "liberal" media was being to one of the right's own. It's funny that everyone has such short memories.