May you all have peace!
First, no one has to believe me on this issue. NO ONE. I simply shared the truth about it with you all. Whether you hear... or refrain. I could go the more "popular" route and say, "Hey, it really doesn't matter." But is NOT the truth I have learned from my Lord. You ask why the Most Holy One of Israel doesn't answer those who cry out to "Him." I tell you the truth: it is NOT Him that folks are crying out to. That is yet another falsity taught by religious leaders that man has bought into.
THINK, dear ones... of the HORRORS... that have been committed... IN THE NAME of "God," "Jesus", "Jehovah", "the Lord," "Allah," "Elohim", "Adonai"... and many, many others. THINK! There is a REASON that these names/titles have been used. THINK! Come ON!!
Or... hang on to what you've always known. But... don't get upset if what you EXPECT to occur from those "gods" with such names/titles... does not occur.
One of the most important themes of the NT is the change in status of believers from slave (as Shelby loves to call herself) to sonship.
My Lord does not call me a slave, dear Cofty - he calls me "child" which indicates to ME, that he considers me a "son." I call myself a slave, just as Michael called himself my "fellow" slave. If it was good enough for him, it's good enough for me.
Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
SA, who only shared the truth regarding this matter. If you doubt that... you can always ask for yourselves...